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Case Study
Aug 20
  • Pre-Surgery (L) Post First Surgery (R)

  • Pre-Surgery (L) Post First Surgery (R)

  • Pre-Surgery (L) Post 1st Surgery (R)

Lipoedema Surgery – Case 48

Meet Toni, a 49-year-old patient from Northern Queensland. For over 20 years, Toni sensed something was amiss with her body, but it wasn’t until her massage therapist noticed unusual differences in her legs that she began seeking answers. A friend referred her to Lipoedema Surgical Solution, where Dr. Teo diagnosed her with stage 2 Lipoedema.

The diagnosis brought relief to Toni, who had spent years dieting and exercising without seeing the desired results. Knowing that Lipoedema is a disease and not her fault provided her with validation and clarity.

Working in administration, Toni’s job doesn’t require much physical activity, yet she experiences a persistent, low-level throbbing in her thighs and lower legs. By the end of the day, her legs are often swollen, heavy, and tired.

Toni recognises the signs of Lipoedema in her three sisters and mother, which highlights the hereditary nature of the condition. She worries that her daughter may also be at risk of developing Lipoedema as she grows older. She hopes that by raising awareness and educating others, she can help her daughter and future generations better manage or even prevent the onset of Lipoedema.

Her conservative management routine is extensive, beginning at 5 a.m. each day. Toni follows a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet and wears compression garments daily. Her regimen also includes manual lymphatic drainage, dry body brushing, weekly massages, and laser therapy. Additionally, she incorporates leg taping, Lympha press sessions, and regular exercise into her routine. This routine has helped reduce the throbbing and heaviness in her legs. However, on days when she skips her compression garments, she experiences significant swelling and tightness by evening.

Despite her conservative management efforts, Lipoedema has taken a toll on Toni’s physical and mental health. Living in North Queensland, she finds it especially challenging to endure the heat while wearing compression garments.

In March 2024, Toni underwent her first surgery to address Lipoedema in her legs. She considers herself fortunate to have treated the condition when she did, avoiding further damage to her lymphatics and preventing the disease’s progression to Lymphoedema.

During her first surgery in March 2024, Dr. Teo removed 4.3 litres of Lipoedema fat from Toni’s lower legs using the Lymph-Sparing technique. A subsequent surgery in June 2024 resulted in the removal of an additional 5 litres of fat from her upper thighs.

Toni’s journey is driven by her desire to move without pain in her daily life and to finally have ankles again, something she hasn’t experienced since childhood.

Raising awareness about Lipoedema is crucial to Toni. She wants others to understand that while non-lipoedema fat doesn’t hurt, lipoedema fat does, and there’s a reason for it. She hopes to spread the message that Lipoedema isn’t the patient’s fault and that those affected are often doing everything they can. Additionally, she advocates for greater awareness of this condition among medical professionals.

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