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Amara Wellness Centre

Amara Wellness Centre

About: Amara Wellness Centre is one of Australia-Pacific’s leading and technologically advanced wellness centre, offering 100% natural, non-invasive, comprehensive, advanced and innovative therapeutic treatments for lymphatic health and wellbeing including Lipoedema and Lymphedema. Headed by Dr. Zara Celik, a renowned Melbourne-based chiropractor and certified practitioner of the world-leading LPG Systems range of Endermo-treatments, Amara Wellness Centre continues to improve health and well-being with its unwavering commitment to best clinical practice and scientifically and medically advanced innovative treatments. A member of the Chiropractic Association of Australia, Dr. Celik possesses a Master of Chiropractic degree in addition to qualifications in Science (Anatomy) (Applied Maths) and Applied Science (Complementary Medicine - Chiropractic) and Endermologie / Endermotherapie accreditations. Dr. Celik is one of a select few practitioners in Australia-Pacific who is qualified and trained to operate world-leading LPG technology for the suite of endermo-treatments. Endermotherapie Lymphatic Drainage - innovative treatment for the lymphatic system, is also offered as well as MLD.

Address: Level 1 Suite 3, 597-601 Sydney Road, Brunswick, VIC 3056

Category: MLD Therapy

Location: Melbourne

Contact Number: 03 9388 2828

Email: [email protected]


Rebate Available: Medicare and health care cards are accepted