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Custom Medical Stockings

Custom Medical Stockings

About: With over 35 years of experience in the Medical Compression Fitting field, we decided it was time to start our own mobile measuring and fitting service for Medical Compression Garments - both off the shelf and custom made. During our time we gained knowledge and experience in the measuring and fitting of different brands of stockings - Venosan, Medi, Jobst and TTK Knit (previously Caroskin). Part of our role is to measure and fit for Custom Made Stockings for people who do not fit into off the shelf standard stockings. In more recent years the majority of our clientele required custom made garments for Lipoedema. We received training both nationally and internationally. People who suffer from Lymphoedema and especially Lipoedema, often need someone who is willing to listen to their story and empathise with their situation, (especially women who have just been diagnosed with Lipoedema). We feel that we help our clientele to make the compression aspect of their journey easier. Custom Medical Stockings is a mobile service in South East Qld, servicing the Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast & Toowoomba regions, ensuring great service, huge smiles and an empathetic ear. We look forward to measuring you in the comfort of your own surroundings.

Practioner Name: Clare Anstiss and Joanne Tate

Category: Compression

Location: Brisbane
Gold Coast
Toowoomba & Darling Downs

Contact Number: Clare: 0431042881 Jo: 0418415414

Email: [email protected]


Rebate Available: Confirm upon enquiry