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Knead Holistic Massage

Knead Holistic Massage

  • About: My name is Fiona, a fellow lippy lady working from Rangiora, North Canterbury. I am a certified massage therapist and a Dr.Vodder certified lymphoedema therapist. I also hold many other certificates including myofascial release and scar release. I am fascinated with the lymphatic system and have a constant thirst for more information. My focus is on the non-oncology side of lymphatic work. As a holistic practitioner, I aim to look at my clients as a whole; mind, body and spirit. The foundation of any session with me is a sense of safety with a big focus on client education.

    Practioner Name: Fiona Parkes

    Address: 207 King Street Rangiora Rangiora, North Canterbury 7400 New Zealand

    Category: Compression
    Lymphatic Pump System
    MLD Therapy
    Products and Resources

    Location: Christchurch
    New Zealand

    Contact Number: 02102781770

    Email: [email protected]


    Rebate Available: Confirm upon enquiry