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Lymphoedema Therapy, Training and Education

Lymphoedema Therapy, Training and Education

About: Jacqui Beutel from Lymphoedema Therapy, Training & Education is an ALA accredited Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy Practitioner (based on the Casley-Smith method) with almost 15 years’ experience in the private sector. She has a special interest in the management of lymphoedema, lipoedema, post-liposuction (including body sculpture) utilising the 5 key components of Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy: - Compression therapy (garment fitting and bandaging) - Manual lymphatic drainage - Skin care - Exercise - Modification of activities of daily living Jacqui incorporates adjunctive therapy with excellent results: - SIPC (sequential intermittent pneumatic compression) - Low-level laser therapy (scar management, pain relief and fibrosis) Jacqui is passionate about accurate assessment of each client and the delivery of evidence-based treatment. Clients receive a vascular assessment which may include an ABPI to ensure compression therapy is not contraindicated. Jacqui has dedicated years to the lymphatic system resulting in her becoming an industry leader in lymphoedema and lipoedema management. Jacqui has written and teaches a decongestive lymphatic therapy practitioner course which has been accredited by the Australasian Lymphology Association. Jacqui offers education and believes that encouraging clients to self-manage their condition is empowering and improves compliance. Jacqui is certified in remedial and oncology massage and will complete her Bachelor of Nursing Science as a Registered Nurse in July 2022. Jacqui is happy to be a guest speaker at any local community group on related topics.

Practioner Name: Jacqui Beutel

Address: Nashville Medical, 38a Nash Street, Gympie, Qld, 4570

Category: Compression
Exercise and Yoga/Meditation
MLD Therapy
Skin Care

Location: Queensland
Regional QLD

Contact Number: 04 0298 8423

Email: [email protected]


Rebate Available: Health fund rebates may apply. Referral not required but can be helpful.