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Transcript – Social Media Takeover Live Q&A With Patient Kelly

Note – all transcripts are automatically generated by Zoom, please allow for some spelling/grammar issues, as well as some words being improperly transcribed by the software



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00:02:14.000 –> 00:02:15.000

Hi Kelly!


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00:02:16.000 –> 00:02:17.000

How are you?


00:02:17.000 –> 00:02:18.000

I’m okay.


00:02:18.000 –> 00:02:20.000

That’s good.


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00:02:22.000 –> 00:02:26.000

Thanks for joining us. Everyone on this Wednesday night.


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Um welcome to the QA session of our social media. Takeover with.


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The wonderful Kelly. If you tuned into social at all, um! You would have seen.


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Uh Kelly as she gave updates and went live on her


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Live deem extraction surgery with a doctor luggage here on the Gold Coast.


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So we’ll pass over to Kelly in just a sec. I’m Emily.


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Um right myself. Ben and Laura, from the walk with freedom team are gonna assist tonight. Um, cause we have.


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Quite a few questions come through for Kelly, so we’ll be helping um.


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Kelly to answer those.


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Um, and we’ll let Dr. Lucky give a little welcome, and Kelly to give a little bit more of her story just before we get started.


00:03:14.000 –> 00:03:22.000

We do have a lot of questions to get through, so we’ll do our very best. Um! And Kelly has.


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Generously promise to make a few more reels if there’s any questions.


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Um that we don’t get to.


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So um! Just before we pass over to Kelly and start hearing a little more from her story, I’ll just hand over to Dr. Chris.


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00:03:42.000 –> 00:03:45.000

Our Medical Director at Lib. Demos. Surgical Solution.


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Just to give a little welcome message.


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And then we’ll get going.


00:03:50.000 –> 00:03:53.000

Okay, Hi, uh, Emily and Hi.


00:03:53.000 –> 00:03:54.000

Hi. Chris.


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00:03:56.000 –> 00:03:57.000

And Hi!


00:03:57.000 –> 00:04:01.000

Then, and most importantly, Hi.


00:04:01.000 –> 00:04:04.000

To Kelly. What a superstar.


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00:04:05.000 –> 00:04:09.000

To be here with us in this forum.


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Day, one after surgery and.


00:04:13.000 –> 00:04:17.000

She’s the biggest personality in the room. And um! I’m going to.


00:04:17.000 –> 00:04:22.000

Really try to just be a fly on the wall. But.


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I’m going to be there at your disposal, Kelly.


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To to assist.


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To try and contextualize some of the comments that you’ve.


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If uh if required. And look, I’d like to thank our whole team, especially Emily, though.


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Who um is about to pop a baby, and I hope it’s not tonight.


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00:04:43.000 –> 00:04:50.000

That we’ll make do if we have to. Um. She’s an invaluable part of our team, and she’s been leading the.


00:04:50.000 –> 00:05:02.000

Charge with the communications team, and I think all of you agree. She does an amazing job as part of the team to really raise uh lipid awareness.


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00:05:03.000 –> 00:05:10.000

Look. I’m really grateful, Kelly. Um knowing what surgery is, and it’s no big deal, and it’s.


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Pretty full on. It’s not a easy walk in the park, and some surgeries are.


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Um more challenging than others.


00:05:18.000 –> 00:05:24.000

To have you here, and to be up to open up the Forum for what is a.


00:05:24.000 –> 00:05:29.000

Incredible amount of transparency. I’m always of the belief that.


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Every patient should feel comfortable.


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Being ah able to ask their doctor any question whatsoever. What are the endpoints of surgery? What are your personal? What’s your personal experience?


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What’s your training? What are your complications? What are the horrible complications.


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And look to be able to to have someone who’s gone through surgery itself. We’ve previously done this with 3 patient panelists where I wasn’t in the room.


00:05:57.000 –> 00:06:00.000

I got booted out. After a few minutes.


00:06:00.000 –> 00:06:02.000

And um.


00:06:02.000 –> 00:06:10.000

But but I’ve been uh invited to uh to hang around. So really over to you, Kelly, and and thanks for being a superstar.


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Really the morning of your discharge.


00:06:14.000 –> 00:06:20.000

Yeah. Um, yeah. I’ve been home for a few hours now. I got discharged uh, as everyone does at 7 o’clock.


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In the morning.


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Which our loved ones or our carers love getting up that early to come, get us.


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00:06:29.000 –> 00:06:37.000

But yeah, so I don’t quite know where to start. I’m happy to start with questions. But I am, Kelly. I’ve just turned 49.


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I just yesterday had my 5th surgery with Dr. Licket.


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I was Stage 4, Lipidema I’ve had. I think we’re about 27 of Lipidema has been removed from my body.


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Over the course of 18 months.


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Um. So there’s a lot to go through. Every surgery was different.


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Every recovery was different.


00:07:01.000 –> 00:07:09.000

Um. So yeah, Emily, I’m happy to open up for questions rather than me babbling. I know there’s a lot, and I’d hate to miss out on some.


00:07:09.000 –> 00:07:11.000

Good ones.


00:07:11.000 –> 00:07:14.000

Um. Also, if I swear I’m so sorry everyone.


00:07:14.000 –> 00:07:17.000

It’s just let’s find the truck. Alright.


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00:07:18.000 –> 00:07:22.000

Don’t worry. We can edit the recording, so swear away.


00:07:22.000 –> 00:07:31.000

Um. And I didn’t mention this prior, but just for everyone joining us on social. So we have a Zoom Webinar going. We’re on Instagram. We’re on Facebook.


00:07:31.000 –> 00:07:34.000

Just pop a comment or a question.


00:07:34.000 –> 00:07:38.000

Wherever you are. So either in the QA. On Zoom um, or on Facebook.


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Comment or an Instagram comment, and uh Lauren will find it for us.


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So let’s get going.


00:07:47.000 –> 00:08:00.000

Um, hey, Kelly? I’m having my 1st surgery with Dr. Leckidge in 7 weeks time. My biggest fear is, how does he know he has extracted all the diseased fat from the area. I don’t want any left behind.


00:08:00.000 –> 00:08:08.000

So I literally asked Dr. Lekit this the morning before. Well, yesterday oh, my God! Just yesterday.


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Because I’m.


00:08:10.000 –> 00:08:15.000

This is technically my last surgery. And I said this, how do you know you’ve got it all.


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And I think in one of the videos that was uploaded to Instagram, I’m on the table and he’s actually showing where he can feel it.


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So because Dr. Leck.


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00:08:28.000 –> 00:08:29.000

Doesn’t do.


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The uh.


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Where they open you up and scoop it out and stitch you up.


00:08:34.000 –> 00:08:36.000

It’s it’s all about the feel.


00:08:36.000 –> 00:08:39.000

So I mean I uh.


00:08:39.000 –> 00:08:46.000

I think I’m right, Chris, where you can go by the feel, and because it’s such a different texture to normal fat or good fat.


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Um! He can feel the difference.


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00:08:54.000 –> 00:08:56.000

Simple as that. Kelly couldn’t be any uh simpler.


00:08:56.000 –> 00:08:59.000

We feel it. That’s the protocol of surgery.


00:08:59.000 –> 00:09:02.000

And really just tell us um.


00:09:02.000 –> 00:09:07.000

Tell us how um.


00:09:07.000 –> 00:09:08.000

Yeah, so like, yesterday morning.


00:09:08.000 –> 00:09:11.000

How all those other areas that we’ve dealt with has it all grown back.


00:09:11.000 –> 00:09:16.000

Yeah. So yesterday morning, so I went in yesterday. My searches were anterior. So front lowers.


00:09:16.000 –> 00:09:21.000

But I pointed out that I think I thought I had some still left in my.


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Upper post, their name on Bum.


00:09:23.000 –> 00:09:31.000

Um, and you went in and felt, and you got some out from the feel of my bottom. You’ve attacked there.


00:09:31.000 –> 00:09:35.000

So that’s good. So like you, it’s a feel, and you can really, once your legs.


00:09:35.000 –> 00:09:40.000

The swelling goes down and the Lipidem is gone, and I have a lot of loose skin.


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00:09:42.000 –> 00:09:43.000

You can feel.


00:09:43.000 –> 00:09:46.000

Where your legs don’t hurt anymore.


00:09:46.000 –> 00:09:51.000

Um where you touch, but then, as soon as you hit a bit like, so if I went down from my thighs.


00:09:51.000 –> 00:10:02.000

Rubbing my thighs. It felt normal, and then I’d hit below my knee, which I’ve just had done. I could feel the lipid and that pain that you get when someone would touch your legs.


00:10:02.000 –> 00:10:06.000

Um. But up here it had gone so you can.


00:10:06.000 –> 00:10:07.000

It’s really.


00:10:07.000 –> 00:10:12.000

You that to touch your legs and not have pain. It’s.


00:10:12.000 –> 00:10:17.000

It’s weird, but great. It’s great, weird. But it’s different for all of us.


00:10:17.000 –> 00:10:20.000

Especially the older ladies who have lived with it.


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00:10:21.000 –> 00:10:22.000

40 years.


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And plus.


00:10:25.000 –> 00:10:26.000

Yeah, someone is.


00:10:26.000 –> 00:10:31.000

Saying any comment, paying free legs crazy. Sign me up.


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00:10:34.000 –> 00:10:44.000

Well, I mean they’re not paying free right now, because they will be. But it’s really it’s a weird sensation to have to touch your own legs, or to knock into a stool.


00:10:44.000 –> 00:10:50.000

Um, and it it doesn’t hurt or leave a massive bruise.


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00:10:51.000 –> 00:10:56.000

That’s amazing. Hey, Kelly, I just wanna let you know I’m gonna leave my video off.


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00:11:14.000 –> 00:11:15.000

I remember.


00:11:15.000 –> 00:11:16.000

Because otherwise I’m going to cut you off, and we want to see you. You’re the star. So as long as you can hear me, and we just have a little note coming through, Chris, if you wouldn’t mind shuffling into the center, because on um, the phone, you’re being cut off a little bit. Thank you.


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00:11:21.000 –> 00:11:23.000

Amazing. Alright. So I’m just gonna jump around on the questions a little bit. Because while we’re on this topic of extraction.


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00:11:27.000 –> 00:11:31.000

This one is a question that says.


00:11:31.000 –> 00:11:33.000

Um. I’m just wondering.


00:11:33.000 –> 00:11:43.000

Why, they don’t take a full 5 liters. It’s a bit disappointing to work all that money to only have uh 3 removed.


00:11:43.000 –> 00:11:45.000

So shh.


00:11:45.000 –> 00:11:46.000



00:11:46.000 –> 00:11:52.000

Yeah, look, this is obviously a question for Chris. Um, and I am not a surgeon.


00:11:52.000 –> 00:11:56.000

Um, and I have had.


00:11:56.000 –> 00:12:02.000

In some parts of my body massive volumes taken, and in other parts of my body not so massive.


00:12:02.000 –> 00:12:06.000

And I get the um.


00:12:06.000 –> 00:12:12.000

The feeling of disappointment, but I think also.


00:12:12.000 –> 00:12:14.000

To get this far down the track, to have.


00:12:14.000 –> 00:12:15.000

Save the dollars!


00:12:15.000 –> 00:12:22.000

And to have met with Chris and gone through all the protocols. I think you might know in your heart.


00:12:22.000 –> 00:12:29.000

That you’re doing the right thing for you, and that you’ve chosen Chris as opposed to all the other doctors that are around.


00:12:29.000 –> 00:12:33.000

Then you kind of trusted him with this.


00:12:33.000 –> 00:12:34.000

So if he thinks.


00:12:34.000 –> 00:12:39.000

That he needs to stop at getting 3.5 out, or he needs to keep going.


00:12:39.000 –> 00:12:46.000

And 5 isn’t enough, and you need to come back for another one in that same area because of the legislation.


00:12:46.000 –> 00:12:48.000

That now exists.


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00:12:50.000 –> 00:12:52.000

But it. It’s just gotta be that trust.


00:12:52.000 –> 00:12:56.000

Um to them the surgery that I just had yesterday.


00:12:56.000 –> 00:12:57.000

Chris, took.


00:12:57.000 –> 00:12:58.000

2 leaders.


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00:12:59.000 –> 00:13:05.000

For me feels really weird, as someone who’s had surgeries that 10 leaders, plus at a time.


00:13:05.000 –> 00:13:07.000

So I just um.


00:13:07.000 –> 00:13:10.000

I understand the disappoint.


00:13:10.000 –> 00:13:12.000

Um, because you’re like, well, God.


00:13:12.000 –> 00:13:17.000

Couldn’t he just have taken more, you know, root around in there and find some more and get it out.


00:13:17.000 –> 00:13:19.000



00:13:19.000 –> 00:13:28.000

He, it’s to do with your veins. It’s to do with your lymph system. It’s to do with your spider veins. It’s everything that’s going on in there. He’s trying not to damage.


00:13:28.000 –> 00:13:32.000

Um, so I understand the disappointment. On one hand.


00:13:32.000 –> 00:13:35.000

But I have to trust.


00:13:35.000 –> 00:13:38.000

That he’s doing the right thing.


00:13:38.000 –> 00:13:40.000

By me, otherwise I’ll go crazy.


00:13:40.000 –> 00:13:42.000

Sorry was that a bit long winded.


00:13:42.000 –> 00:13:43.000

That’s beautiful!


00:13:43.000 –> 00:13:44.000



00:13:44.000 –> 00:13:46.000

Alright, that’s great. Yeah. Would you like to add anything.


00:13:46.000 –> 00:13:49.000

Well, look, I think Kelly is.


00:13:49.000 –> 00:13:50.000

You, you.


00:13:50.000 –> 00:13:54.000

The word trust. I mean, I I trusted the process.


00:13:54.000 –> 00:13:57.000

Working with Dr. Heck. I worked with.


00:13:57.000 –> 00:13:58.000

The world’s most.


00:13:58.000 –> 00:14:02.000

Renowned Lithidema, surgeon in the world.


00:14:02.000 –> 00:14:08.000

And you know 3,000 surgeries with his team of about 10.


00:14:08.000 –> 00:14:10.000

10 surgeons, and the reality is.


00:14:10.000 –> 00:14:15.000

I trusted that process, and for 25 years.


00:14:15.000 –> 00:14:19.000

The same thing as we’re experiencing now over the last 7 coming ideas.


00:14:19.000 –> 00:14:23.000

Is, we do not expect the lithe to come back.


00:14:23.000 –> 00:14:27.000

Um, although never anyone could give a guarantee for that in.


00:14:27.000 –> 00:14:28.000



00:14:28.000 –> 00:14:29.000

About 2,000 surgeries that I’ve done.


00:14:29.000 –> 00:14:32.000

I’ve had.


00:14:32.000 –> 00:14:39.000

Revision surgery. I’ve had to go back to the drawing board and do everything all over again, and even then for that very difficult, patient.


00:14:39.000 –> 00:14:45.000

She was very satisfied and very happy. The reality is, this is not liposuction.


00:14:45.000 –> 00:14:46.000



00:14:46.000 –> 00:14:49.000

Like, if you’re expecting liposuction.


00:14:49.000 –> 00:14:55.000

This dime a dozen doctors that will do it. They’ll they’ll use longing sessions. They’ll.


00:14:55.000 –> 00:15:05.000

Feel that they’re giving extra value to getting some skin done. At the same time, it might feel like extra value. You might feel like you’re better off on the table for 6 h.


00:15:05.000 –> 00:15:11.000

Adding a little bit from the Tommy arms the legs. But the reality is in my world.


00:15:11.000 –> 00:15:20.000

Almost every second patient on some days is had surgery like that before from all over Australia, from overseas.


00:15:20.000 –> 00:15:22.000

And um.


00:15:22.000 –> 00:15:32.000

And everyone’s trying the best, and you get to trust the doctor that you’re talking to. But you have to be very, very clear. There are reasons why, and I never look at a patient and say.


00:15:32.000 –> 00:15:38.000

Okay, I’m gonna get that volume off you because I know there’s a lot of parameters in place.


00:15:38.000 –> 00:15:42.000

I want you to survive the surgery. I don’t want the fact to come back.


00:15:42.000 –> 00:15:49.000

And the good thing that we’re saying with Kelly’s work and everyone else’s before you.


00:15:49.000 –> 00:15:53.000

Is that the awareness is rising, and I don’t believe.


00:15:53.000 –> 00:16:03.000

We’ll have too much longer. We’ll have patients that’ll need any more than 2 at most, 3 surgeries on the legs depending on the progression. So Kelly’s an exception.


00:16:03.000 –> 00:16:04.000



00:16:04.000 –> 00:16:06.000

And and the volumes are very different.


00:16:06.000 –> 00:16:09.000

And all of those surgeries are to get all the fat out. I don’t.


00:16:09.000 –> 00:16:12.000

Want to compromise your normal.


00:16:12.000 –> 00:16:33.000

Skin fat. I don’t want to leave with the divots. I just want to make sure that I’m taking all of that tissue out. Appreciating that I have to go all the way down. Not just the little sculptor, and I’m using a lot of fluid which, if we overdose you with the water assisted uh fluid, which has adrenaline and local anaesthetic.


00:16:33.000 –> 00:16:36.000

Hey? Good! Can you? Simple as that? You could die from.


00:16:36.000 –> 00:16:42.000

Bleeding out. You could die from shock, you could die from all other sorts of problems.


00:16:42.000 –> 00:16:45.000

And you have to ask a surgeon at the end of the day.


00:16:45.000 –> 00:16:48.000

Is your technique gonna have this.


00:16:48.000 –> 00:16:49.000



00:16:49.000 –> 00:16:56.000

And I have to confidently tell you what their profile of risk is. So this is based on the German protocol of 25 years.


00:16:56.000 –> 00:17:04.000

And essentially, it’s stage surgery exactly the way we do it. And if anything, I’m looking at more ways.


00:17:04.000 –> 00:17:22.000

To do more surgery, and to combine using assistance, and perhaps even renew on and reducing even numbers. But if you feel disappointed because the volumes of bags, aren’t there? I can tell you. We got the lipid.


00:17:22.000 –> 00:17:23.000



00:17:23.000 –> 00:17:29.000

And you will know that when you receive for the next surgery 2 months later, and your legs feel particularly different and look different in that place.


00:17:29.000 –> 00:17:31.000

Thanks, Dr. Luggage.


00:17:31.000 –> 00:17:37.000

Just going to tag on um. Another question, which is quite similar, and.


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00:17:39.000 –> 00:17:43.000

So if you can’t take that from one area, that volume.


00:17:43.000 –> 00:17:45.000

Um with the disease.


00:17:45.000 –> 00:17:50.000

Kent. Sorry if you can’t take up to 5 liters in one area.


00:17:50.000 –> 00:17:58.000

Can it be taken from another area to make the surgery as valuable as possible?


00:17:58.000 –> 00:18:00.000

So again, I presume that’s for me. Then.


00:18:00.000 –> 00:18:01.000



00:18:01.000 –> 00:18:02.000



00:18:02.000 –> 00:18:03.000



00:18:03.000 –> 00:18:04.000

Let me tell you not.


00:18:04.000 –> 00:18:07.000

The the reality is.


00:18:07.000 –> 00:18:08.000



00:18:08.000 –> 00:18:10.000

Kelly Kelly. All your surgeries were different because of where the lithe was placed.


00:18:10.000 –> 00:18:11.000



00:18:11.000 –> 00:18:14.000

How it was for you. No 2 patients are the same, even.


00:18:14.000 –> 00:18:16.000

Exactly, exactly.


00:18:16.000 –> 00:18:23.000

We, we will have a patient who will have a slither of lipid tissue, let’s say, in the lower legs.


00:18:23.000 –> 00:18:26.000

I’ll be flat out to get 900 mills total.


00:18:26.000 –> 00:18:29.000

It will take me as long.


00:18:29.000 –> 00:18:35.000

And it will require as much anesthetic fluid to carve it all out.


00:18:35.000 –> 00:18:45.000

And and and at the end of the day the true test is, I don’t have any milk. My calves have a look at the photos in the, in the patient.


00:18:45.000 –> 00:18:49.000

Patient uh case studies, how different their legs look!


00:18:49.000 –> 00:18:54.000

Um, and that’s a 900 Millil surgery. It’s not based on grams.


00:18:54.000 –> 00:19:01.000

Of fact removed. It’s based on the lipid and the surgery directed directly at that.


00:19:01.000 –> 00:19:04.000

And, as I said, most patients will be.


00:19:04.000 –> 00:19:10.000

To maybe 3 surgeries. 90% of patients will have that in their legs.


00:19:10.000 –> 00:19:15.000

Uh Kelly’s an exception, and when I started this I had lots and lots of ladies.


00:19:15.000 –> 00:19:27.000

Like you. I still have way too many patients like you. But the difference between our patients and other patients that I’ve seen elsewhere for second and 3rd opinions. It’s gone.


00:19:27.000 –> 00:19:34.000

It’s not coming back as opposed to patients who have had multiple surgeries. And there’s still challenge with.


00:19:34.000 –> 00:19:36.000

Pain and growing tissue.


00:19:36.000 –> 00:19:48.000



00:19:48.000 –> 00:19:49.000



00:19:49.000 –> 00:20:01.000

Thanks, doctor. We just wanted to um address that one. There was quite a few questions around the 5 Leader rule. So I know everyone’s really desperate to hear from Kelly, so we will. We will go back um, but we just wanna drill to clarify that um. I’ve been instructed, Kelly, to turn my camera on when I speak. So that’s why I’m back.


00:20:01.000 –> 00:20:02.000

No worries.


00:20:02.000 –> 00:20:16.000

Yeah, um. So we’ve spoken a little about the 5 leader extraction. Um, I’m gonna try and keep the questions. Um on topic. But if anything pops up while you’re watching, please feel free to pop in the chat. Everyone we can always.


00:20:16.000 –> 00:20:17.000

Circle back.


00:20:17.000 –> 00:20:23.000

Um, probably the next biggest question, Kelly, if you agree, I think, was the cost.


00:20:23.000 –> 00:20:25.000



00:20:25.000 –> 00:20:30.000

Yeah. I wonder if we could start talking about that? So, Kelly, are all your surgeries.


00:20:30.000 –> 00:20:32.000

The same cost.


00:20:32.000 –> 00:20:36.000

Um! What was the cost for surgery, please, and you addressed it on social media yesterday.


00:20:36.000 –> 00:20:41.000

Yeah, I did address it in a real last night.


00:20:41.000 –> 00:20:43.000

Um happy to quickly run through it again.


00:20:43.000 –> 00:20:47.000

Um, otherwise, you know. Jump back on and have a watch. Um, so.


00:20:47.000 –> 00:20:57.000

There. Obviously, everyone is in different positions. I am a full-time working mom. I have a husband. I have 2 kids, and I live in Sydney.


00:20:57.000 –> 00:21:01.000

So uh, I have to wait.


00:21:01.000 –> 00:21:05.000

Uh plan. All of my surgeries I have been planning for school holidays.


00:21:05.000 –> 00:21:06.000

So we then.


00:21:06.000 –> 00:21:10.000

Flights, a com car hire.


00:21:10.000 –> 00:21:11.000

All 4 of us to come on up.


00:21:11.000 –> 00:21:16.000

Then the surgeries um are about uh.


00:21:16.000 –> 00:21:30.000

14,500 to $15,000. That’s for the Miami Private Hospital and Dr. Lecket’s fees. And then the anther test is about $1,800 on top of that.


00:21:30.000 –> 00:21:31.000



00:21:31.000 –> 00:21:42.000

And and that’s it. I um am very lucky I dressed that I came into an inheritance. Um! And that’s how we’ve managed to afford.


00:21:42.000 –> 00:21:46.000

Um to do all these things with my mobility.


00:21:46.000 –> 00:21:57.000

But um, I know that there is access to super funds. My, I’m with, and I get deadly squat back. Really, I think it’s about $700. It’s not that much.


00:21:57.000 –> 00:22:00.000

When you’re talking about that amount of money.


00:22:00.000 –> 00:22:06.000

Um, I know people. Yeah, access their super do lots of savings. Um, I’m I said, very.


00:22:06.000 –> 00:22:12.000

Fortunate in some ways unfortunate, because it’s an inheritance. But ah!


00:22:12.000 –> 00:22:13.000



00:22:13.000 –> 00:22:15.000

Uh I get it. It’s hard.


00:22:15.000 –> 00:22:16.000

It cost heaps.


00:22:16.000 –> 00:22:21.000

Its commitment. It’s time, it’s everything. It’s a lot.


00:22:21.000 –> 00:22:23.000

Um, and it’s been a massive choice.


00:22:23.000 –> 00:22:25.000

For me to make.


00:22:25.000 –> 00:22:27.000

And put myself.


00:22:27.000 –> 00:22:30.000

At the front of our family for these 18 months.


00:22:30.000 –> 00:22:31.000



00:22:31.000 –> 00:22:36.000

To to get this done.


00:22:36.000 –> 00:22:40.000

Yeah, in terms of the financial.


00:22:40.000 –> 00:22:47.000

Yeah. And yeah, the emotional is, it goes along with it. But I’m sure there might be questions about that later. I’ll just stick into the dollars.


00:22:47.000 –> 00:22:48.000

You doing well.


00:22:48.000 –> 00:22:58.000

Yeah, I just saw someone come up with a question. Putting myself 1st is the hardest mindset it. 100 is every time I do this. Um.


00:22:58.000 –> 00:22:59.000

I ate.


00:22:59.000 –> 00:23:01.000

It. It’s so hard.


00:23:01.000 –> 00:23:04.000

It’s so hard. Um! I turned 50.


00:23:04.000 –> 00:23:10.000

In April next year, and I’ve just had this mindset since I decided to.


00:23:10.000 –> 00:23:12.000

Go down the surgery path.


00:23:12.000 –> 00:23:19.000

That I’m going to be fabulous and 50, and I’m going to be moving and fierce, and all of these.


00:23:19.000 –> 00:23:21.000

  1. Words.


00:23:21.000 –> 00:23:27.000

But ah! So that I can get on with my life. I’ve got youngish kids.


00:23:27.000 –> 00:23:31.000

I was losing my mobility. I was feeling blah um.


00:23:31.000 –> 00:23:33.000

And just for once.


00:23:33.000 –> 00:23:39.000

I’m doing this, and then they they’re behind me. They are with me. They can’t believe the change.


00:23:39.000 –> 00:23:45.000

In me either that I move more, I walk, more gate is different.


00:23:45.000 –> 00:23:49.000

Um. The way I hold myself is different.


00:23:49.000 –> 00:23:50.000



00:23:50.000 –> 00:23:51.000



00:23:51.000 –> 00:23:55.000

Yeah, but it’s I understand it is such a hard mindset, because.


00:23:55.000 –> 00:23:56.000



00:23:56.000 –> 00:24:01.000

Potentially comes before you. But in this instance, when it’s mummy surgery, time.


00:24:01.000 –> 00:24:06.000

I’m on my surgery time, and the kids know that now.


00:24:06.000 –> 00:24:12.000

And the husband too.


00:24:12.000 –> 00:24:19.000



00:24:19.000 –> 00:24:20.000

Oh, yeah.


00:24:20.000 –> 00:24:22.000

So I think that answers the second part of my question that you saw that. No, don’t be sorry, please. That’s great. Um, because it says, Challenge your quality of life improved over the last 18 months.


00:24:22.000 –> 00:24:25.000

And hopefully, it’ll just get better and better.


00:24:25.000 –> 00:24:26.000



00:24:26.000 –> 00:24:33.000

You know now that all the lipid is gone, it gives you a chance to move better, and the weight drops off and.


00:24:33.000 –> 00:24:34.000



00:24:34.000 –> 00:24:37.000

You just. You feel better in yourself.


00:24:37.000 –> 00:24:41.000

It’s amazing people at my workplace comment all the time like, look at you! Look so amazing.


00:24:41.000 –> 00:24:43.000

So it’s just yeah.


00:24:43.000 –> 00:24:47.000



00:24:47.000 –> 00:24:49.000



00:24:49.000 –> 00:24:54.000

Kelly, and your experience wasn’t less to have arms done as opposed to legs.


00:24:54.000 –> 00:24:56.000



00:24:56.000 –> 00:24:57.000



00:24:57.000 –> 00:25:04.000

Because I had my abdomen done at the same time as my.


00:25:04.000 –> 00:25:12.000

Um. So I think again I addressed this last night. I never had any intention of getting my arms done because they.


00:25:12.000 –> 00:25:20.000

This journey for me was all about mobility. I was losing my ability to walk and move, and I didn’t want to end up in a wheelchair. It’s that simple.


00:25:20.000 –> 00:25:21.000



00:25:21.000 –> 00:25:25.000

So, even though I had lipid in my arms.


00:25:25.000 –> 00:25:26.000

What ifs?


00:25:26.000 –> 00:25:38.000

Until then it was decided that I needed to have my abdomen done because it fed into my thighs and the lymph system, and it, the overhang and the pressure.


00:25:38.000 –> 00:25:39.000



00:25:39.000 –> 00:25:50.000

That was in there. And then Dr. Lockett said, Well, if you’re going to have your abdomen done, you may as well get your arms done, because that might save you a surgery in the future. If you do change your mind.


00:25:50.000 –> 00:25:53.000

Which is right? Um, so.


00:25:53.000 –> 00:25:55.000

Yeah, it was the same.


00:25:55.000 –> 00:25:56.000



00:25:56.000 –> 00:25:57.000



00:25:57.000 –> 00:25:59.000

As the other surgeries.


00:25:59.000 –> 00:26:06.000

This had my abdomen and my arms done in the same surgery.


00:26:06.000 –> 00:26:15.000

And you mentioned that you got this very um small refund from your health fund. Um, and.


00:26:15.000 –> 00:26:20.000

Do you want to talk about anything else? Any other rebates? Um!


00:26:20.000 –> 00:26:21.000

For medicare.


00:26:21.000 –> 00:26:23.000

Well, I don’t know. Ah.


00:26:23.000 –> 00:26:25.000

Is a question.


00:26:25.000 –> 00:26:26.000



00:26:26.000 –> 00:26:28.000

There is nothing. What do I want to say? Medicare socks? Um!


00:26:28.000 –> 00:26:33.000

Uh booper sucks. Um! Uh! I’m sure every other Health Fund.


00:26:33.000 –> 00:26:36.000

Sucks, too. You pay all this money, and you get very little back.


00:26:36.000 –> 00:26:38.000

On occasion.


00:26:38.000 –> 00:26:43.000

Um! It’s really hard and frustrating that it’s not recognized.


00:26:43.000 –> 00:26:50.000

By Medicare, because obviously, for all of the impact that it has.


00:26:50.000 –> 00:26:52.000

Needs um.


00:26:52.000 –> 00:27:04.000

Whites, lost surgery, knee replacements, hip replacements, mobility, all of these things that Medicare covers. Yet if they treated the root cause of the problem.


00:27:04.000 –> 00:27:11.000

We wouldn’t need all these additional things. And people end up in care facilities because they didn’t know they had lipid and all that kind of stuff.


00:27:11.000 –> 00:27:14.000

So I don’t know if I’ve got any more to say, but I.


00:27:14.000 –> 00:27:17.000

It advocacy.


00:27:17.000 –> 00:27:22.000

Getting the word out groups like this, groups like on the Internet and stuff that.


00:27:22.000 –> 00:27:35.000

Can uh advocate and get the word out. And hopefully, Medicare can recognize the lipid email as well as lymph.


00:27:35.000 –> 00:27:38.000

Absolutely. And that’s big part of what we do as well.


00:27:38.000 –> 00:27:41.000

I went in.


00:27:41.000 –> 00:27:42.000



00:27:42.000 –> 00:27:43.000

Yeah. Um, I can just see one question just going back to the abdomen. Sorry. I don’t know if I’m supposed to see them.


00:27:43.000 –> 00:27:44.000

Very, Barbara, please.


00:27:44.000 –> 00:27:53.000

Yeah, um with the abdomen. No, I haven’t had any, was saying. If I’d had skin removal surgery. No, Dr. Leakage doesn’t do skin removal surgery. That’s not his bag.


00:27:53.000 –> 00:27:58.000

Um, so I will one.


00:27:58.000 –> 00:27:59.000

I reckon.


00:27:59.000 –> 00:28:08.000

I will need skin removal surgery. I have a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of loose skin, especially on my upper thigh, my thighs.


00:28:08.000 –> 00:28:09.000



00:28:09.000 –> 00:28:10.000



00:28:10.000 –> 00:28:16.000

Hangover. The skin hangs over my knees like you can pick it up. It feels like an empty, saggy balloon.


00:28:16.000 –> 00:28:17.000



00:28:17.000 –> 00:28:19.000

So I will need skin removal.


00:28:19.000 –> 00:28:28.000

I am going to wait 6 to 12 months to see how much the skin naturally retracts and recover from all of these surgeries. To give myself a good shot.


00:28:28.000 –> 00:28:32.000

Um. I’ve been taking some collagen supplements and all that kind of stuff to get the.


00:28:32.000 –> 00:28:36.000

Uh, skin, healthy and elastic. Kind of thing.


00:28:36.000 –> 00:28:37.000

But um.


00:28:37.000 –> 00:28:39.000

Yeah, my next step.


00:28:39.000 –> 00:28:42.000

Will be skin removal. Um.


00:28:42.000 –> 00:28:44.000

And we’ll see.


00:28:44.000 –> 00:28:46.000

Where I go with that.


00:28:46.000 –> 00:28:50.000

Will you consider the renewal treatment? Kelly?


00:28:50.000 –> 00:28:55.000

  1. So Dr. Lakesh and I had big chats about renewing for me.


00:28:55.000 –> 00:28:57.000

I chose not to have it.


00:28:57.000 –> 00:29:00.000

Um. And that’s purely because.


00:29:00.000 –> 00:29:02.000

I decided.


00:29:02.000 –> 00:29:03.000



00:29:03.000 –> 00:29:08.000

Even if I had the renewal I would still probably need skin removal.


00:29:08.000 –> 00:29:13.000

Um, and although it may have reduced the amount of skin removal I needed.


00:29:13.000 –> 00:29:17.000

I just. I wasn’t willing to take that risk.


00:29:17.000 –> 00:29:22.000

Just yet.


00:29:22.000 –> 00:29:23.000



00:29:23.000 –> 00:29:25.000

Can you hear me?


00:29:25.000 –> 00:29:26.000



00:29:26.000 –> 00:29:29.000

Yeah, look, I think that’s very valid.


00:29:29.000 –> 00:29:33.000

When when patients have so much.


00:29:33.000 –> 00:29:34.000



00:29:34.000 –> 00:29:39.000

Progression of lipid, and and they’ve had so much stretch on the skin.


00:29:39.000 –> 00:29:43.000

The skin is an important consideration, and.


00:29:43.000 –> 00:29:48.000

And and what I found so very commonly and.


00:29:48.000 –> 00:29:54.000

Patients who have seen plastic surgeons who are experts at skin removal.


00:29:54.000 –> 00:29:56.000

Really push back on lipid patients.


00:29:56.000 –> 00:30:02.000

Because in their experience, whenever they’ve done work on patients with lipid.


00:30:02.000 –> 00:30:10.000

They have the seromas, they had the hematomas they have wound, they have recurrence, they have more swelling.


00:30:10.000 –> 00:30:12.000

And and for this reason um.


00:30:12.000 –> 00:30:21.000

Removing all of the lipid is really something that they welcome. So the referral pattern is.


00:30:21.000 –> 00:30:25.000

To us, and I’ve been pushing back to them, but they’ve been pushing back to us.


00:30:25.000 –> 00:30:31.000

Do more and more do the abdomen for us. Do this, do that, and if the skin left.


00:30:31.000 –> 00:30:41.000

We’ll deal with it. One thing about the renew on, though, and it almost in a kind of reverts back to some of the earlier conversations.


00:30:41.000 –> 00:30:44.000

I am, however, I practice my practice in 7 years.


00:30:44.000 –> 00:30:47.000

I haven’t changed, my practice being.


00:30:47.000 –> 00:30:52.000

Guided by some rule of 5 liters, because that was never.


00:30:52.000 –> 00:30:54.000

Never the.


00:30:54.000 –> 00:30:59.000

Modus operandi in Germany. I can tell you that openly.


00:30:59.000 –> 00:31:04.000

But where we’ve actually been able to make significant gains.


00:31:04.000 –> 00:31:10.000

Um and efficiencies and safety is combining the renewal which ordinarily, if we did that.


00:31:10.000 –> 00:31:12.000

As a separate surgery.


00:31:12.000 –> 00:31:16.000

Would cost an extra 20 to $30,000.


00:31:16.000 –> 00:31:25.000

Because of how much time it takes in the operating theater to do it. So combining and doubling up on equipment and shrinking.


00:31:25.000 –> 00:31:30.000

That time which would be so extended if I was doing all of that myself.


00:31:30.000 –> 00:31:40.000

Means my expert assistant who you met Dr. Reese uh, who works with me, and and I’ve had Dr. Over the years.


00:31:40.000 –> 00:31:42.000

We’ve um.


00:31:42.000 –> 00:31:44.000

We’ve got to a point now that.


00:31:44.000 –> 00:31:55.000

That redundant skin that’s left behind will be a much, much more normal and better quality skin. So even if you do need skin excision, um.


00:31:55.000 –> 00:32:10.000

And they’re trying to tighten everything like a balloon to a drum to make a type you still left with the skin that’s more empty uh, whereas with the renew on it really does help. But well, I’ll tell you very honestly.


00:32:10.000 –> 00:32:15.000

Would Kelly have benefited from renew on.


00:32:15.000 –> 00:32:18.000

In terms of needing more skin excision. Probably not.


00:32:18.000 –> 00:32:24.000

She probably still would have made the skincision. But what we’re seeing, and even in the.


00:32:24.000 –> 00:32:32.000

Advanced cases is that the areas that need decision, perhaps in the future will be more limited.


00:32:32.000 –> 00:32:42.000

To smaller incisions, more bespoke as opposed to all of the skin, trying to be tightened. But um, yeah, just a little note about the skin.


00:32:42.000 –> 00:32:44.000



00:32:44.000 –> 00:32:45.000



00:32:45.000 –> 00:32:47.000

And I said, every case is different.


00:32:47.000 –> 00:32:49.000



00:32:49.000 –> 00:32:50.000

Make your own choices.


00:32:50.000 –> 00:32:54.000

And that’s the choice that I made.


00:32:54.000 –> 00:32:57.000

And being confident in your choice.


00:32:57.000 –> 00:32:58.000

Um so.


00:32:58.000 –> 00:33:03.000

Just while we’re on surgery. There’s a couple of questions of a similar nature.


00:33:03.000 –> 00:33:04.000

Um! That.


00:33:04.000 –> 00:33:09.000

Maybe you could address Dr. Luggage, and Kelly can give us your input.


00:33:09.000 –> 00:33:13.000

Also is there a weight limit.


00:33:13.000 –> 00:33:15.000

Or any medical conditions that might need to be addressed.


00:33:15.000 –> 00:33:19.000

Poor surgery would be an option.


00:33:19.000 –> 00:33:24.000

Clearly, Kelly, you would not have had surgery in any other facility.


00:33:24.000 –> 00:33:25.000



00:33:25.000 –> 00:33:29.000

Where they did not understand lipid.


00:33:29.000 –> 00:33:30.000

And the reason.


00:33:30.000 –> 00:33:31.000



00:33:31.000 –> 00:33:34.000

And the reason why, and even even.


00:33:34.000 –> 00:33:44.000

Guests ready that put gastric balloons for some patients down still realize in our hospital that the Bmi.


00:33:44.000 –> 00:33:47.000

Is not appropriate. So we we will talk to Bm.


00:33:47.000 –> 00:33:50.000

To get the nieces to do their bit.


00:33:50.000 –> 00:33:52.000

To make sure that patients is safe.


00:33:52.000 –> 00:33:59.000

But because it’s twilight, it probably didn’t still remember any of the surgeries. It’s safer.


00:33:59.000 –> 00:34:00.000

Um, because the.


00:34:00.000 –> 00:34:12.000

The the the Health Department, who know our hospital as a specialized purpose, built facility for Lipidema, know and have met our own patients.


00:34:12.000 –> 00:34:22.000

At face to face. They understand that this surgery is very different, and we have a medical advisory committee as well as the.


00:34:22.000 –> 00:34:27.000

The the individual anesitis and doctors, who very much had.


00:34:27.000 –> 00:34:28.000



00:34:28.000 –> 00:34:35.000

Decisions to make, and looking at a patient like Kelly, and saying, Hey, Kelly? Or Bmi’s.


00:34:35.000 –> 00:34:48.000

45, 50. You’re gonna have to just walk away and not be able to walk one day and you will die from potentially lipid. They realize all of our team and all of the.


00:34:48.000 –> 00:34:52.000

Department understands that the Bmi is not appropriate.


00:34:52.000 –> 00:34:53.000



00:34:53.000 –> 00:34:54.000



00:34:54.000 –> 00:34:57.000

But it doesn’t mean that it’s a free for all. There’s a very significant.


00:34:57.000 –> 00:34:59.000

Conservative management program that.


00:34:59.000 –> 00:35:00.000

You would.


00:35:00.000 –> 00:35:02.000

Agree. You had to go through.


00:35:02.000 –> 00:35:03.000



00:35:03.000 –> 00:35:10.000

Yeah, you. That’s the thing. I was talking to some of the girls up on my ward last night.


00:35:10.000 –> 00:35:12.000

That um! I.


00:35:12.000 –> 00:35:18.000

Look. I never. I’ve stopped getting on the the scales, you know. Obviously years of trauma.


00:35:18.000 –> 00:35:20.000



00:35:20.000 –> 00:35:30.000

Dining, and not dying and exercising, and not exercising all of the things that come with the ladies who discovered their lipid life.


00:35:30.000 –> 00:35:31.000



00:35:31.000 –> 00:35:34.000

And the Bmi means.


00:35:34.000 –> 00:35:38.000

Nothing. When you have Lupidema, it means nothing.


00:35:38.000 –> 00:35:43.000

The only reason I get on the scale now is for Dr. Babk.


00:35:43.000 –> 00:35:46.000

Who needs to know my weight, to give me the right.


00:35:46.000 –> 00:35:48.000

Anesthetic uh, and that is a.


00:35:48.000 –> 00:35:54.000

Practical thing that he needs to do. And and that’s it. I think getting on the scale is.


00:35:54.000 –> 00:36:00.000

Irrelevant. If you, it’s better to measure, do measurements on all of your.


00:36:00.000 –> 00:36:04.000

Body parts. If you feel like it, or just go by, feel.


00:36:04.000 –> 00:36:07.000

Like it’s um.


00:36:07.000 –> 00:36:11.000

Yeah. So no, Bmi has not come into it with Dr. Chris at all.


00:36:11.000 –> 00:36:14.000

And um.


00:36:14.000 –> 00:36:36.000

But yes, you have to do the conservative management. Yes, you have to do the flatness. You have to do the diet. Yes, you have to get your leg surgery, and by that you’ll try and get your lipidema as soft as it can, as giggly as you can, so that he can get in there and get it out.


00:36:36.000 –> 00:36:39.000

Let’s see.


00:36:39.000 –> 00:36:47.000

That’s true, and then one day he’ll come up and be like wiggles. Everything is like your surgery. Wiggle.


00:36:47.000 –> 00:36:48.000



00:36:48.000 –> 00:36:49.000



00:36:49.000 –> 00:36:53.000

Let us check myself. Kelly.


00:36:53.000 –> 00:36:54.000

He could.


00:36:54.000 –> 00:36:57.000



00:36:57.000 –> 00:37:03.000

Someone will do a tiktok on that soon. I better be careful.


00:37:03.000 –> 00:37:12.000

Kelly before you came to see Dr. Leckett. Did you deal with any doctors or GPS that weren’t aware of Black Dma?


00:37:12.000 –> 00:37:13.000

And how did you handle that.


00:37:13.000 –> 00:37:14.000



00:37:14.000 –> 00:37:16.000



00:37:16.000 –> 00:37:18.000

Um. Yes, so I.


00:37:18.000 –> 00:37:19.000



00:37:19.000 –> 00:37:20.000



00:37:20.000 –> 00:37:22.000

But uh.


00:37:22.000 –> 00:37:27.000

My legs always my legs, always my legs. Ever since I was a teenager. Um!


00:37:27.000 –> 00:37:28.000



00:37:28.000 –> 00:37:36.000

One night our I think my daughter was about I don’t know. 2 years old, and she crawled on. My legs were playing on the floor.


00:37:36.000 –> 00:37:40.000

And she called on my legs, and I was like, and my husband’s like.


00:37:40.000 –> 00:37:44.000

This isn’t right. That wouldn’t hurt. I’m like that kills.


00:37:44.000 –> 00:37:45.000

Anyway, so.


00:37:45.000 –> 00:37:53.000

Again. I went to bed that night, and I was just scrolling, you know, death scrolling, and I came across not someone.


00:37:53.000 –> 00:37:59.000

And I was a lady, and she had my leg, and then I just deep dived into that.


00:37:59.000 –> 00:38:00.000



00:38:00.000 –> 00:38:04.000

All these pictures of ladies that had legs like mine.


00:38:04.000 –> 00:38:06.000

And so then I went to my Gp.


00:38:06.000 –> 00:38:07.000

Who is.


00:38:07.000 –> 00:38:08.000



00:38:08.000 –> 00:38:11.000



00:38:11.000 –> 00:38:15.000

But she had never heard of it, and she looked at it was like, Oh, my God! That’s your legs, and I’m like, Oh, my God! It’s my leg!


00:38:15.000 –> 00:38:19.000

And then she. We looked up in Sydney.


00:38:19.000 –> 00:38:26.000

Uh any like specialists or things that she found. Uh Helen Mackey, who lives, who.


00:38:26.000 –> 00:38:28.000

Practices a long way away from where I.


00:38:28.000 –> 00:38:33.000

Live, and I went out and met with her and saw her, and she initially diagnosed me.


00:38:33.000 –> 00:38:34.000

And then.


00:38:34.000 –> 00:38:37.000

That was kind of again, that.


00:38:37.000 –> 00:38:45.000

I think I’ve spoken about it many times. Is love, hate, like I love that I have a diagnosis, but I hate that. I have lipid.


00:38:45.000 –> 00:38:47.000

I love that I can learn all these things, but.


00:38:47.000 –> 00:38:50.000

Bloody hate that it’s happened to me.


00:38:50.000 –> 00:39:01.000

And why me and these stupid legs and all of these things. But then, isn’t it great? I have an answer, and it wasn’t me all along. I’ve been doing all of these things, and it didn’t matter.


00:39:01.000 –> 00:39:02.000

Um! And now I hate.


00:39:02.000 –> 00:39:03.000



00:39:03.000 –> 00:39:06.000

I tortured myself for so long.


00:39:06.000 –> 00:39:09.000

When it wasn’t my fault. Kind of thing.


00:39:09.000 –> 00:39:11.000

So I had a real struggle with that for quite some time.


00:39:11.000 –> 00:39:15.000

Um! And then I went to a conference.


00:39:15.000 –> 00:39:24.000

Somewhere in Castle Hill somewhere. It all gets really blurry. And Chris was talking there, and some other therapists were talking there, and they had like.


00:39:24.000 –> 00:39:28.000

Compression stalls and all this kind of thing, and I learn a bit more.


00:39:28.000 –> 00:39:30.000

And it was really slow.


00:39:30.000 –> 00:39:33.000

Um to come to the party on a lot of things.


00:39:33.000 –> 00:39:36.000

And then I did other research and looked at.


00:39:36.000 –> 00:39:38.000



00:39:38.000 –> 00:39:40.000

Other surgeons in other ways, and all that kind of stuff, and.


00:39:40.000 –> 00:39:42.000

Ended, circling background.


00:39:42.000 –> 00:39:44.000

After Covid.


00:39:44.000 –> 00:39:47.000

Like. It was a long stretch of time.


00:39:47.000 –> 00:39:52.000

For me before I finally met with Chris in person.


00:39:52.000 –> 00:39:54.000

What the heck was there at that.


00:39:54.000 –> 00:39:55.000



00:39:55.000 –> 00:39:56.000

Maybe in Sydney.


00:39:56.000 –> 00:39:57.000



00:39:57.000 –> 00:39:59.000



00:39:59.000 –> 00:40:00.000

He was.


00:40:00.000 –> 00:40:01.000

But they’re not telling. That was.


00:40:01.000 –> 00:40:06.000



00:40:06.000 –> 00:40:07.000

Out of there.


00:40:07.000 –> 00:40:08.000

Oh, you’re muted! Oh, there you go!


00:40:08.000 –> 00:40:09.000

Thanks. Kelly.


00:40:09.000 –> 00:40:20.000

I just wanted to quickly throw in for everyone cause it seems like every topic that we touch on is just like 10 more questions which is totally understandable. So if you just joining us.


00:40:20.000 –> 00:40:26.000

Um. We’ll get to as many questions as we possibly can, and I just wanted to reiterate that um.


00:40:26.000 –> 00:40:28.000

Tonight, is.


00:40:28.000 –> 00:40:35.000

Just such a small snippet of what we normally do. Um. So we have regular group Zoom calls with Dr. Chris luggage.


00:40:35.000 –> 00:40:40.000

When he spends 2, sometimes up to 3 h answering all your questions.


00:40:40.000 –> 00:40:53.000

Um. Sorry. That’s an option as well. If you haven’t considered that yet, you can find all that info on our website. I just wanted to throw that out there. Um as well. It’s also Kelly is one day.


00:40:53.000 –> 00:41:02.000

Hard stuff, so we don’t want to take up too much of their time, because, of course, her main priority should be rest and recovery. But we’re we’re doing our best. Get through everything.


00:41:02.000 –> 00:41:03.000

Oh, good!


00:41:03.000 –> 00:41:06.000

Thank you, Kelly.


00:41:06.000 –> 00:41:07.000



00:41:07.000 –> 00:41:11.000

So we’re just gonna circle back a little bit. Now, there’s a lot of questions about um.


00:41:11.000 –> 00:41:14.000

And now, Dave.


00:41:14.000 –> 00:41:20.000

Conservative management in the lead up to surgery. Um, I know you addressed a little bit on socials yesterday, but we just touch on it.


00:41:20.000 –> 00:41:30.000

Again. Um! Did you have to wear your flat net compression for 18 HA day for 8 weeks before surgery.


00:41:30.000 –> 00:41:31.000



00:41:31.000 –> 00:41:37.000

And you know what if it’s your 1st surgery that’s really hard to get your head around, I get it.


00:41:37.000 –> 00:41:38.000



00:41:38.000 –> 00:41:39.000



00:41:39.000 –> 00:41:54.000

Yes, I do wear my flat all the time, uh, especially in the lead up to a surgery, and especially after a surgery. I find it really weird these days when I’m not wearing my flat nets or any form of compression.


00:41:54.000 –> 00:41:58.000

So at the I had my arm surgery in January.


00:41:58.000 –> 00:41:59.000

And really.


00:41:59.000 –> 00:42:03.000

Like last week was the 1st time I’ve taken, not worn, my compression.


00:42:03.000 –> 00:42:09.000

To try and get used to not having it on. And my, it feels weird to me to kind of have them.


00:42:09.000 –> 00:42:11.000

Loosen, free.


00:42:11.000 –> 00:42:12.000



00:42:12.000 –> 00:42:17.000

So. Yes, I do wear my flat nets not right now, because I don’t fit in them, because I’m swollen.


00:42:17.000 –> 00:42:20.000

But maybe next week I’ll get into them.


00:42:20.000 –> 00:42:24.000

Um, and I have an Mldist in Sydney.


00:42:24.000 –> 00:42:32.000

Um who is, was on one of the reels, and she is amazing, and I see her once a week. Um.


00:42:32.000 –> 00:42:45.000

And for an hour, and she does a limp drainage on me. She also is super cool, because not only does she do the lymph drainage, but she’ll um work on any scar tissue.


00:42:45.000 –> 00:42:48.000

Or anything um.


00:42:48.000 –> 00:43:04.000

That she feels like is naughty or is hard, or like sometimes like I call her. Her name is Agnes, and we call it Agnes. Um, I call it the Polish punisher. She sometimes like I’m screaming, or I’m in tears. But then I feel so much better the next day, cause she’s obviously released.


00:43:04.000 –> 00:43:12.000

Some tissue, or she’s like really worked out scar tissues, or she’s given me relief like from.


00:43:12.000 –> 00:43:18.000

Ah! I always relate. My 1st surgery was on my front thighs, my anterior thighs.


00:43:18.000 –> 00:43:19.000



00:43:19.000 –> 00:43:20.000

Ah! Like 2 weeks.


00:43:20.000 –> 00:43:32.000

Into recovery. They felt like they were giant sausages on a barbecue about the split open like it was this sizzling sausage burning.


00:43:32.000 –> 00:43:34.000

Swelling since, and I just.


00:43:34.000 –> 00:43:37.000

Felt like they needed to split, but she helped.


00:43:37.000 –> 00:43:42.000

Kind of move all that fluid around. Move the swelling around and give me some relief. So if you can get.


00:43:42.000 –> 00:43:44.000

Uh meet.


00:43:44.000 –> 00:43:55.000

Ah, masseuse, or anld therapist, or a physio that does all of these things. They will hurt you, but they will get you through. They are magnificent people.


00:43:55.000 –> 00:43:56.000

Hi Kelly!


00:43:56.000 –> 00:43:57.000



00:43:57.000 –> 00:43:58.000

A full transparency.


00:43:58.000 –> 00:43:59.000



00:43:59.000 –> 00:44:01.000

Sorry, Kelly. I just um.


00:44:01.000 –> 00:44:04.000

What are your thoughts on this.


00:44:04.000 –> 00:44:10.000

Um charge of people who believe a lipid doesn’t exist.


00:44:10.000 –> 00:44:11.000

The fat.


00:44:11.000 –> 00:44:14.000

Depressed women, lazy women.


00:44:14.000 –> 00:44:20.000

And that there’s no such thing as swelling and fluid.


00:44:20.000 –> 00:44:21.000

Did pay.


00:44:21.000 –> 00:44:24.000

In Lithuania. Just how many mld therapists out there are just doing.


00:44:24.000 –> 00:44:29.000

Nothing for our patients. Why do we use compression? Why do we use.


00:44:29.000 –> 00:44:32.000

Mld Therapists.


00:44:32.000 –> 00:44:37.000

Um, and and you know I can tell you an ultrasound. We can see the secondary lymph, but.


00:44:37.000 –> 00:44:38.000



00:44:38.000 –> 00:44:43.000

You know. Have you talked to your mld therapist about this? This is.


00:44:43.000 –> 00:44:46.000

Quite a big deal, and there’s the occasional.


00:44:46.000 –> 00:44:49.000

So called expert here in Australia, who says, well, maybe.


00:44:49.000 –> 00:44:52.000

Maybe they’re right.


00:44:52.000 –> 00:44:54.000

Oh no! Ah!


00:44:54.000 –> 00:45:00.000

No cause like that’s just. I. I feel that if my there, if.


00:45:00.000 –> 00:45:03.000

Uh my mldist.


00:45:03.000 –> 00:45:05.000

Had that opinion I would not be going back there.


00:45:05.000 –> 00:45:06.000



00:45:06.000 –> 00:45:10.000

Hmm! So did you feel the difference? Did you see the fluid coming down.


00:45:10.000 –> 00:45:11.000

Oh, yeah.


00:45:11.000 –> 00:45:12.000

You can.


00:45:12.000 –> 00:45:13.000

Did you impression? And mild.


00:45:13.000 –> 00:45:17.000

Feel the difference you can. And when she’s working, yeah, you can completely feel the difference.


00:45:17.000 –> 00:45:19.000

Cause she um.


00:45:19.000 –> 00:45:24.000

Uh yeah.


00:45:24.000 –> 00:45:29.000



00:45:29.000 –> 00:45:30.000



00:45:30.000 –> 00:45:32.000

I my! You’ve blown my mind with that, because I don’t understand. You can feel the difference. You can see the difference. You actually feel sometimes almost um.


00:45:32.000 –> 00:45:35.000

But sometimes I feel nauseous.


00:45:35.000 –> 00:45:40.000

Because she’s moved so much fluid around. She’s unstuck it.


00:45:40.000 –> 00:45:41.000

But um.


00:45:41.000 –> 00:45:50.000

I sometimes have to like, you know, couple of hours later I feel a bit woozy, and it’s because she’s moved so many so much fluid and toxins around.


00:45:50.000 –> 00:45:57.000

To unblock that lib system that doesn’t know how to do it itself, because the lipid demon has stopped it for so long.


00:45:57.000 –> 00:46:01.000

So just watch that space. It’s a it’s concerning.


00:46:01.000 –> 00:46:02.000



00:46:02.000 –> 00:46:03.000



00:46:03.000 –> 00:46:05.000

No, I would. I would um.


00:46:05.000 –> 00:46:12.000

Again. I know many women just through this page and other pages that have GPS that don’t believe them. The um.


00:46:12.000 –> 00:46:17.000

Family members that don’t believe them. All these kind of like I feel.


00:46:17.000 –> 00:46:20.000

So much for you. Um! And you try just.


00:46:20.000 –> 00:46:25.000

Try and be strong within yourself, and know if you in your heart of hearts know that it is.


00:46:25.000 –> 00:46:27.000

Not you.


00:46:27.000 –> 00:46:30.000

That you are not like, you know.


00:46:30.000 –> 00:46:34.000

Doing this to yourself. It is just like it’s just.


00:46:34.000 –> 00:46:38.000

Try and believe in your heart and yourself, that.


00:46:38.000 –> 00:46:44.000

You’ll find the answer. Go to a different Gp. Search out, answers.


00:46:44.000 –> 00:46:47.000

And if your family don’t support you, bugger them.


00:46:47.000 –> 00:46:51.000

Take the streets from yourself, and go and find.


00:46:51.000 –> 00:46:54.000

The help that you need.


00:46:54.000 –> 00:46:56.000



00:46:56.000 –> 00:46:57.000

Yeah. Good. Good. Point.


00:46:57.000 –> 00:47:00.000



00:47:00.000 –> 00:47:01.000

Kelly, Ed.


00:47:01.000 –> 00:47:03.000

Don’t take no for an answer.


00:47:03.000 –> 00:47:05.000



00:47:05.000 –> 00:47:10.000

Um, Kelly, someone’s just asking, how much do you pay for Mld?


00:47:10.000 –> 00:47:14.000

And then also, I’m going to throw 2 questions in at once. Have your link.


00:47:14.000 –> 00:47:20.000

Symptoms improved since surgery.


00:47:20.000 –> 00:47:21.000



00:47:21.000 –> 00:47:25.000

Um, how much do I pay for mld? Uh, I think it is like 120 bucks a session.


00:47:25.000 –> 00:47:32.000

Um, and I think I get some of that back uh from like X amount of video sessions per thingy.


00:47:32.000 –> 00:47:33.000



00:47:33.000 –> 00:47:38.000

So. But it’s you have to do the upfront thing and then claim kind of thing. So yeah, I think it’s about 120 bucks.


00:47:38.000 –> 00:47:40.000



00:47:40.000 –> 00:47:41.000

And part 2 have, I noticed.


00:47:41.000 –> 00:47:45.000

Yes, if I don’t go, it’s more.


00:47:45.000 –> 00:47:47.000

I notice if I haven’t been.


00:47:47.000 –> 00:47:55.000

So I’m so kind of into it now, because I started mld um about.


00:47:55.000 –> 00:47:58.000

4 months before my 1st surgery.


00:47:58.000 –> 00:48:00.000

Um and.


00:48:00.000 –> 00:48:06.000

I now notice when I don’t have it like if I have gone away, or I haven’t had it for 2 weeks or 3 weeks.


00:48:06.000 –> 00:48:09.000

Like I really notice it, and then.


00:48:09.000 –> 00:48:10.000



00:48:10.000 –> 00:48:11.000

Agnes, also like.


00:48:11.000 –> 00:48:19.000

She can feel it. I can feel her working harder to empty and drain and move everything around.


00:48:19.000 –> 00:48:22.000

Since surgery, would you say? Only.


00:48:22.000 –> 00:48:25.000

System with that system has improved.


00:48:25.000 –> 00:48:30.000

Um. I don’t have the answer to that. I’m really sorry cause um.


00:48:30.000 –> 00:48:39.000

I would think it has in certain areas. Um, but because I’m still in the process of surgeries. Um.


00:48:39.000 –> 00:48:51.000

I’m still in recovery. So Agnes works on all different parts of me. I would say yes. The length in my upper thighs on the front is probably working a lot better.


00:48:51.000 –> 00:48:52.000

But she still.


00:48:52.000 –> 00:48:59.000

Working on my arms a lot, and she’ll definitely I’ve just had my Lowers done. So she’s got a work cut out for it. There.


00:48:59.000 –> 00:49:02.000

There’s there’s a good.


00:49:02.000 –> 00:49:04.000

Best case is 6.


00:49:04.000 –> 00:49:06.000

And then to 12 months.


00:49:06.000 –> 00:49:08.000

And sometimes longer, for.


00:49:08.000 –> 00:49:10.000

The lymph system to.


00:49:10.000 –> 00:49:12.000

To catch up.


00:49:12.000 –> 00:49:13.000



00:49:13.000 –> 00:49:16.000

With all the healing, the difference between that and someone who doesn’t have.


00:49:16.000 –> 00:49:18.000

Surgery is that.


00:49:18.000 –> 00:49:21.000

The lymphatics are constantly.


00:49:21.000 –> 00:49:24.000

Bombarded with all the furnace of inflammation.


00:49:24.000 –> 00:49:25.000



00:49:25.000 –> 00:49:26.000

So that’s the difference uh.


00:49:26.000 –> 00:49:32.000

Between those who.


00:49:32.000 –> 00:49:33.000



00:49:33.000 –> 00:49:34.000

Move on to surgery. There is a healing process, there is the mld, there is compression.


00:49:34.000 –> 00:49:35.000

But at the end of the day.


00:49:35.000 –> 00:49:42.000

The pains gone, the inflammations gone. If you stage 4 with the dema.


00:49:42.000 –> 00:49:44.000

Um. Then you’re gonna have lymphatics that.


00:49:44.000 –> 00:49:48.000

We’ll have some.


00:49:48.000 –> 00:49:49.000



00:49:49.000 –> 00:49:50.000

Permanent scarring, but they’re not going to have to deal with the.


00:49:50.000 –> 00:49:54.000

The ongoing inflammatory tissue anymore, because it ain’t there and it won’t come back.


00:49:54.000 –> 00:49:56.000

But there’s a decent healing process.


00:49:56.000 –> 00:49:58.000

You described it as uh.


00:49:58.000 –> 00:50:04.000

As a sausage about to explode. Um, that’s pretty uh graphic.


00:50:04.000 –> 00:50:05.000



00:50:05.000 –> 00:50:09.000

That’s a burning situation.


00:50:09.000 –> 00:50:11.000



00:50:11.000 –> 00:50:12.000



00:50:12.000 –> 00:50:14.000

But yes, you get through that right, Kelly, because you wouldn’t come back.


00:50:14.000 –> 00:50:15.000



00:50:15.000 –> 00:50:16.000

Yeah, you get through it, you get through it. I came back.


00:50:16.000 –> 00:50:17.000



00:50:17.000 –> 00:50:20.000

Um. I could also say that um.


00:50:20.000 –> 00:50:24.000

Uh, just recently, Agnes is.


00:50:24.000 –> 00:50:39.000

She was working on the back of my car. So the posterior lowers, and she was saying that she’d been moving all the fluid along, but now she is starting to work on the tissue and the muscles in there, because.


00:50:39.000 –> 00:50:46.000

They’re so tense and so strained because they’ve been carrying so much weight for so long.


00:50:46.000 –> 00:51:00.000

But now she can actually get to them and start working and releasing them and letting them know that they don’t need to be like that so much anymore. They can just relax and release a bit. So that was really interesting to um.


00:51:00.000 –> 00:51:07.000

To hear from her, as well.


00:51:07.000 –> 00:51:10.000

Kelly, did you say in treatment before surgery.


00:51:10.000 –> 00:51:11.000

Did I? What, darling? Oh, yes.


00:51:11.000 –> 00:51:13.000

Did you need thyne treat?


00:51:13.000 –> 00:51:15.000

I did um address this again in a um.


00:51:15.000 –> 00:51:16.000



00:51:16.000 –> 00:51:26.000

In a story last night. Yes, I did. When I 1st came for a consult with Dr. Leitch, and met lovely Riley, one of the sonographers.


00:51:26.000 –> 00:51:34.000

Um! She! They found I had a giant down the back of my right leg.


00:51:34.000 –> 00:51:38.000

Which I didn’t know I had, because you couldn’t see it under the lipid.


00:51:38.000 –> 00:51:46.000

So I went into like the day surgery in the Sydney clinic and Dr. Luggage did the magic injections.


00:51:46.000 –> 00:51:48.000



00:51:48.000 –> 00:51:50.000

Well, I had a green whistle.


00:51:50.000 –> 00:51:52.000

And that was that.


00:51:52.000 –> 00:51:58.000

Can you imagine Kaylee on agreements.


00:51:58.000 –> 00:52:00.000



00:52:00.000 –> 00:52:01.000



00:52:01.000 –> 00:52:02.000

But yeah, that’s um.


00:52:02.000 –> 00:52:12.000

Yeah, I didn’t know I had a Spain, and it was quite funny, cause it was on a million years ago. Uh, when I was I was uh.


00:52:12.000 –> 00:52:16.000

Forgive me. I was tap dancing at university, and I tore all the cartilage in my.


00:52:16.000 –> 00:52:18.000

And um.


00:52:18.000 –> 00:52:19.000



00:52:19.000 –> 00:52:22.000

And that needs always been a funny name.


00:52:22.000 –> 00:52:23.000

But then.


00:52:23.000 –> 00:52:28.000

He fixed my vein, and my knee was better so it was a vein all along, not my knee.


00:52:28.000 –> 00:52:30.000

I’ll take all the credit for that.


00:52:30.000 –> 00:52:32.000

Look um.


00:52:32.000 –> 00:52:35.000

The, the, the, this triad.


00:52:35.000 –> 00:52:37.000

Of uh swelling.


00:52:37.000 –> 00:52:41.000

Causes, such as the lipid.


00:52:41.000 –> 00:52:45.000

Which is worsened by Varicus mines, which worsens the lymphedema in that.


00:52:45.000 –> 00:52:49.000

Then versus the live edema. It’s suspicious cycle.


00:52:49.000 –> 00:52:50.000



00:52:50.000 –> 00:52:55.000

And some of the most gratifying things we see. We could start patients on conservative management.


00:52:55.000 –> 00:53:01.000

Includes compression that helps with some pain, but when we fix their legs.


00:53:01.000 –> 00:53:05.000

You know, patients who have had, like 40 liters of lipid in the legs.


00:53:05.000 –> 00:53:09.000

And I fixed one of their buy into the doctor like each. I feel so light.


00:53:09.000 –> 00:53:10.000



00:53:10.000 –> 00:53:25.000

And I haven’t even touched the uh the lymph. It’s really important to know that from an expertise point of view as a philologist, I’m not cosmetic. I’m not plastic surgery, but I know my stuff when it comes to small and legs.


00:53:25.000 –> 00:53:27.000

And hence the ultrasounds.


00:53:27.000 –> 00:53:28.000



00:53:28.000 –> 00:53:34.000

2 decades of treating these veins, and it really makes a difference. So for any people.


00:53:34.000 –> 00:53:35.000



00:53:35.000 –> 00:53:42.000

Where do I go with this journey? Start with low lying fruit. Conservative management, understand the disease.


00:53:42.000 –> 00:53:43.000

Had that awareness.


00:53:43.000 –> 00:53:53.000

Put all those pieces of puzzle in place. The next lowing fruit after conservative management.


00:53:53.000 –> 00:53:54.000



00:53:54.000 –> 00:53:55.000

It’s get significant binds fixed. We’re not chasing little Spider.


00:53:55.000 –> 00:53:56.000

We want stuff that’s gonna stop.


00:53:56.000 –> 00:53:59.000

The disease and the biden process.


00:53:59.000 –> 00:54:00.000

And help you get better.


00:54:00.000 –> 00:54:06.000

And if you go on to surgery, so you don’t clot and bleed during surgery. So if you’re having.


00:54:06.000 –> 00:54:14.000

Having legs sorted with surgery. If you’ve got a significant, really makes a difference to actually fix it.


00:54:14.000 –> 00:54:18.000

Beforehand, and some patients might actually be able to live with that.


00:54:18.000 –> 00:54:28.000

For a while. It wasn’t like the lipid. Go away, but it might make your life a bit better.


00:54:28.000 –> 00:54:29.000



00:54:29.000 –> 00:54:31.000

Okay. Kelly.


00:54:31.000 –> 00:54:34.000

There’s so many questions about compression.


00:54:34.000 –> 00:54:35.000



00:54:35.000 –> 00:54:42.000

Oh, my God!


00:54:42.000 –> 00:54:43.000

I hang.


00:54:43.000 –> 00:54:44.000

I’m just going to sort of throw you 3 questions, and you can give us like your best course. If that’s all right, um!


00:54:44.000 –> 00:54:55.000

I am not very good at like the numbers, and the things some ladies are amazing at. Oh, you’ve got the hoopla with the ticket of. I’ll do my best.


00:54:55.000 –> 00:54:56.000



00:54:56.000 –> 00:54:58.000

That’s all. That’s all we need.


00:54:58.000 –> 00:55:01.000



00:55:01.000 –> 00:55:06.000

Sorry you mentioned in social. You had several different compression to choose from.


00:55:06.000 –> 00:55:15.000

So are they flat net customer. Where did you get them from? And are they toeless and crutch lists.


00:55:15.000 –> 00:55:18.000



00:55:18.000 –> 00:55:21.000

Yes, um. I have custom made flat.


00:55:21.000 –> 00:55:28.000

I have custom made flat myths because I was Stage 4, and I could not buy off the shelf.


00:55:28.000 –> 00:55:31.000

But it’s those didn’t make them that big.


00:55:31.000 –> 00:55:32.000



00:55:32.000 –> 00:55:33.000

So that was that.


00:55:33.000 –> 00:55:43.000

So I went to a place in Sydney called Bowerfind Baufinde um, and they do. Custom made to measure flatness.


00:55:43.000 –> 00:55:46.000

They uh do all the measurements.


00:55:46.000 –> 00:55:49.000

Um in store in the city.


00:55:49.000 –> 00:56:05.000

Um. And then you go on this thing that looks like a big star trek like Commander Death thing. And you stand there, and they do like a whole big body scan, and then put the measurements again in, and that gets sent to Germany, and the stockings are made in Germany.


00:56:05.000 –> 00:56:12.000

Um, and then the shipped out to you. So it does. It is a process. It takes a good few weeks, 5 weeks to get them back.


00:56:12.000 –> 00:56:17.000

I originally got them in just black, and I got them open towed.


00:56:17.000 –> 00:56:21.000

Um, and but.


00:56:21.000 –> 00:56:22.000

They were 4. They weren’t.


00:56:22.000 –> 00:56:25.000

Crops. List, those ones? No, they had a crutch in them.


00:56:25.000 –> 00:56:27.000

They’re just stockings.


00:56:27.000 –> 00:56:30.000

And then.


00:56:30.000 –> 00:56:34.000

So I had them, and I had to get them before I had my brain surgery.


00:56:34.000 –> 00:56:52.000

So because you need to wear them after you have your veins done right. Yes, and so then um! And then, when it came to surgery time. I then flipped out in my own little head. No one made me flip out just me talking to myself that I um needed crutches, stockings.


00:56:52.000 –> 00:57:00.000

Um full surgery. And so I rang, and they made a crutchless version for me with the same measurements.


00:57:00.000 –> 00:57:02.000

For my surgery.


00:57:02.000 –> 00:57:05.000

And I got them in a skin colored one.


00:57:05.000 –> 00:57:07.000

So um! That would. They’re my.


00:57:07.000 –> 00:57:14.000

2 flat nets that I have. I wear the black ones over the crashless ones. I find them not as comfortable.


00:57:14.000 –> 00:57:16.000

Uh, the Precious Ones.


00:57:16.000 –> 00:57:30.000

Um. But yeah, they are expensive. Um, and someone was telling me at the morning t’s that we went to. There’s a a fund which I need to look into, or if you work full time, you can get.


00:57:30.000 –> 00:57:31.000



00:57:31.000 –> 00:57:41.000

Uh funded a pair of flat compressions custom made each year, and this was blew my mind. So I will get some more now.


00:57:41.000 –> 00:57:43.000

Thank you.


00:57:43.000 –> 00:57:45.000



00:57:45.000 –> 00:57:49.000

We’re gonna we’re gonna jump subjects for a second. Um.


00:57:49.000 –> 00:57:53.000

How did you cope with the perimeter and lack demon.


00:57:53.000 –> 00:57:58.000

Is the removal help this live stage.


00:57:58.000 –> 00:58:01.000

Look. I.


00:58:01.000 –> 00:58:03.000

I don’t know.


00:58:03.000 –> 00:58:08.000

I don’t. I don’t have an answer, because perry menopause.


00:58:08.000 –> 00:58:09.000

Is just like.


00:58:09.000 –> 00:58:20.000

What the hell um! I like right now I’m in the midst of a hot flush, and I can’t tell if it’s because I’ve got 50 compression on, or if my hormones have gone into overdrive.


00:58:20.000 –> 00:58:21.000



00:58:21.000 –> 00:58:38.000

It’s has it helped with the Lipidema? I don’t. I don’t have an answer. I think it is all for me. The ride of Perry menopause, and the ride of my lipid surgeries and the ride of work, life, anxiety.


00:58:38.000 –> 00:58:41.000

Stress. All of the things is one big.


00:58:41.000 –> 00:58:42.000



00:58:42.000 –> 00:58:43.000

For me at the moment.


00:58:43.000 –> 00:58:47.000

Um so, but I have been to my Gp.


00:58:47.000 –> 00:58:51.000

And I am gonna start the hormone gel.


00:58:51.000 –> 00:58:55.000

After this surgery. We didn’t want it to interfere with anything.


00:58:55.000 –> 00:59:00.000

Um, that might be going on. We just kind of was like, let’s just do a clean slate.


00:59:00.000 –> 00:59:05.000

So after this surgery uh, I’m gonna go have mammogram.


00:59:05.000 –> 00:59:12.000

Uh check that. There’s nothing in there that I’m gonna start on some of that hormone. Gel um, and see how I go from there.


00:59:12.000 –> 00:59:14.000

But are they intertwined.


00:59:14.000 –> 00:59:21.000

Who knows? I’m a big, hot mess at the moment.


00:59:21.000 –> 00:59:31.000

And I just on that. I did. Someone did ask about getting your period when you’re at the hospital. Now, I don’t know. I have an Iud.


00:59:31.000 –> 00:59:41.000

So I’ve never had to encounter that. I do know that you’re not allowed to wear a menstrual cup. Um! But I’m not sure what other ladies.


00:59:41.000 –> 00:59:46.000

Do. In that instance I might need to hand over to someone.


00:59:46.000 –> 00:59:49.000

Dr. Linkage discovered that we’re not really.


00:59:49.000 –> 00:59:54.000

Was called in because the lady had one in for a thigh surgery.


00:59:54.000 –> 00:59:55.000

And um.


00:59:55.000 –> 01:00:04.000

And I had to be a jack of all trades and helped get it out because it was really tough.


01:00:04.000 –> 01:00:05.000



01:00:05.000 –> 01:00:06.000

Lots of swelling. So no menstrual cuts definitely not.


01:00:06.000 –> 01:00:07.000



01:00:07.000 –> 01:00:08.000

So I’d.


01:00:08.000 –> 01:00:09.000

Yeah, so, what?


01:00:09.000 –> 01:00:17.000

To. Oh, circulation! To clarify questions. If you have your period on surgery day, best option is a pad.


01:00:17.000 –> 01:00:18.000



01:00:18.000 –> 01:00:19.000



01:00:19.000 –> 01:00:20.000

Yeah, and look.


01:00:20.000 –> 01:00:21.000

I think um.


01:00:21.000 –> 01:00:24.000

Obviously patients feel awkward about it.


01:00:24.000 –> 01:00:26.000

The team are very professional.


01:00:26.000 –> 01:00:32.000

I’ll have all sorts of sanitary products for you as well sometimes. Uh, having.


01:00:32.000 –> 01:00:34.000

Having surgeries during.


01:00:34.000 –> 01:00:37.000

A period can be more uncomfortable.


01:00:37.000 –> 01:00:39.000

So um.


01:00:39.000 –> 01:00:40.000

You know, if you can time it.


01:00:40.000 –> 01:00:44.000

Outside of your cycle. That would be ideal. But um.


01:00:44.000 –> 01:00:46.000

Many a patient had been there, and.


01:00:46.000 –> 01:00:59.000

And the team have been incredible and and supportive and respectful, so you might feel bad about it. But our team um, we just um. It’s our job is to look after you.


01:00:59.000 –> 01:01:00.000

I think.


01:01:00.000 –> 01:01:06.000

Oh, often in that situation I would be embarrassed, too. But to be fair, they’ve probably seen worse.


01:01:06.000 –> 01:01:11.000

Um, and you know you won’t be the first, st and you won’t be the last. That’s maybe the.


01:01:11.000 –> 01:01:15.000

Um! Why, you have to go into it with these things.


01:01:15.000 –> 01:01:16.000

And isn’t.


01:01:16.000 –> 01:01:20.000

And they’re good eggs, everyone. There’s a good egg. It’s fine.


01:01:20.000 –> 01:01:22.000



01:01:22.000 –> 01:01:25.000

Um, Sally, I’m gonna throw in a fun question.


01:01:25.000 –> 01:01:28.000

Any combination, recommendations.


01:01:28.000 –> 01:01:29.000

All the Gold Coast.


01:01:29.000 –> 01:01:30.000



01:01:30.000 –> 01:01:31.000



01:01:31.000 –> 01:01:32.000



01:01:32.000 –> 01:01:34.000



01:01:34.000 –> 01:01:36.000

Here’s the thing with me.


01:01:36.000 –> 01:01:47.000

Um. So I again, I travel with my family, um and my kids uh pool kids. So we stay at family friendly places so they can just um.


01:01:47.000 –> 01:01:57.000

Ah! Run off into the pool. We stay typically at the Diamond Beach resort in Mermaid Mermaid Beach, which is really close to Broad Beach.


01:01:57.000 –> 01:01:59.000



01:01:59.000 –> 01:02:04.000

I uh! I’m originally from Queensland. I moved to Sydney. Um.


01:02:04.000 –> 01:02:07.000

A long time ago, but I’m originally from Brisbane.


01:02:07.000 –> 01:02:09.000

So um.


01:02:09.000 –> 01:02:11.000

I know the Gold Coast might.


01:02:11.000 –> 01:02:24.000

Some of my family lives on the Gold Coast, and some of my family’s in Brisbane. Some live out in Toowoomba, so this area is not unfamiliar to me, but I know uh! Some of the girls last night was saying at the mantra in Broad Beach.


01:02:24.000 –> 01:02:39.000

Um. I think Broad Beach is a really good place to stay because you. There’s lots of poppy shops. There’s lots of restaurants. The beach is quite nice, the flat path along the beach to walk along. If you want to go for a stroll.


01:02:39.000 –> 01:02:49.000

Pack there is across the road, so you can do a little stroll down. Do some people watching get up for another little stroll, you know, in your post recovery days.


01:02:49.000 –> 01:02:54.000

Gets you out a bit rather than just being stuck in one place.


01:02:54.000 –> 01:02:55.000

But yeah, I recommend.


01:02:55.000 –> 01:03:00.000

Broadbeach Mermaid area, but I love burly as well.


01:03:00.000 –> 01:03:06.000

Don’t go in surface paradise if you can avoid it.


01:03:06.000 –> 01:03:10.000

Alright. We’re we’re going into overtime now, so um! We’ll just do it.


01:03:10.000 –> 01:03:13.000

Really, that’s not so far.


01:03:13.000 –> 01:03:14.000

It has.


01:03:14.000 –> 01:03:17.000

I know it’s just blown by um, so I’ll just do.


01:03:17.000 –> 01:03:22.000

Like a couple more questions, and then we’ll wrap up because we know that everyone um.


01:03:22.000 –> 01:03:23.000

Wants to get on within it.


01:03:23.000 –> 01:03:32.000

Oh, I don’t. And also I don’t want anyone to feel like they’ve missed out. Just so, you know, I think everyone’s taking notes of the questions. If I miss any, I’ll do um little videos and post them.


01:03:32.000 –> 01:03:33.000



01:03:33.000 –> 01:03:40.000

So I promise I’ll try and answer anything and send me curly ones or weird ones. I’m good for it.


01:03:40.000 –> 01:03:41.000



01:03:41.000 –> 01:03:42.000

Can can. Can I just answer a curly one that just came through about.


01:03:42.000 –> 01:03:47.000

Has anyone had hyper volumic shock.


01:03:47.000 –> 01:03:49.000

Kelly, that’s not for you to answer. That’s obviously for me.


01:03:49.000 –> 01:03:50.000



01:03:50.000 –> 01:03:52.000

But if I knew what it was I’d give it a crack.


01:03:52.000 –> 01:03:57.000

Yeah, I tell you it’s it’s a life threatening conditions.


01:03:57.000 –> 01:04:01.000

Um. And and I think again, as I said, you need to be empowered.


01:04:01.000 –> 01:04:05.000

No matter who you see, to ask all the hard questions.


01:04:05.000 –> 01:04:09.000

About. Tell us your complications. Have you had a patient die.


01:04:09.000 –> 01:04:11.000

If you had a patient, have a stroke.


01:04:11.000 –> 01:04:16.000

A clock from the leg to the lungs. Have you lost the leg? The use of the leg.


01:04:16.000 –> 01:04:21.000

Um! Have you got all the lipid out? And at what cost has this patient.


01:04:21.000 –> 01:04:28.000

Have your patients had in terms of complications. Hyperlamic shock is a serious condition.


01:04:28.000 –> 01:04:31.000

And and and we talk about these.


01:04:31.000 –> 01:04:35.000

Approaches to surgery, and what you need to be aware of.


01:04:35.000 –> 01:04:39.000

That there are facilities, and even in Germany believe it or not.


01:04:39.000 –> 01:04:48.000

Not. Everything made in Germany is the same where they do big megaliths where patients are in hospital for day end.


01:04:48.000 –> 01:04:52.000

And and need multiple transfusions and.


01:04:52.000 –> 01:04:56.000

And the reality is, even then, if you’re just having.


01:04:56.000 –> 01:05:01.000

That removed, no matter where you are in the world, and they’re taking bits and pieces.


01:05:01.000 –> 01:05:04.000

From one area to another, and patients.


01:05:04.000 –> 01:05:15.000

Uh will be more likely to bleed all over with compression, being more challenging, and then consequently having significant blood volume lost.


01:05:15.000 –> 01:05:25.000

Um, that’s not good, that’s enough. A good outcome. The lipid is not sorted, and the patients have more potential risk.


01:05:25.000 –> 01:05:30.000

And then we get asked, what’s the oldest? We can operate on a patient like my oldest patients?


01:05:30.000 –> 01:05:37.000

  1. This week we had Dr. Theo had a 78 year old that couldn’t walk anymore.


01:05:37.000 –> 01:05:39.000

And we take all measures.


01:05:39.000 –> 01:05:45.000

To to make sure the surgery site, but we take all measures to get that lipid.


01:05:45.000 –> 01:05:47.000

Because without it.


01:05:47.000 –> 01:05:52.000

Coming out. It will keep growing, and it will even be worse, and we have.


01:05:52.000 –> 01:05:59.000

Patient after patient, that we have seen that account to us, the kind of complications that they’ve had.


01:05:59.000 –> 01:06:03.000

Post surgery. Everyone’s trying the best, but I tell you, folks.


01:06:03.000 –> 01:06:05.000

Not all surgeries are the same.


01:06:05.000 –> 01:06:08.000

And definitely not. We haven’t had hyperlamic shock.


01:06:08.000 –> 01:06:12.000

In our facility.


01:06:12.000 –> 01:06:18.000

Thank you. Dr. Luggage. Um, so so, just to reiterate, if we haven’t.


01:06:18.000 –> 01:06:20.000

Gotten to your question tonight.


01:06:20.000 –> 01:06:25.000

Kelly is generously going to make a few more video for us.


01:06:25.000 –> 01:06:34.000

Um everything that she posted yesterday on the social media takeover of the surgery snippets. Recovery getting ready. That’s going to go on to our Instagram.


01:06:34.000 –> 01:06:37.000



01:06:37.000 –> 01:06:51.000

And there’s also quite a few questions coming through like for Dr. Leck. Um medical questions, which is great, and I just really encourage you to join one of our group. Zoom calls um where Dr. Leakage is available.


01:06:51.000 –> 01:06:54.000

Um twice a month.


01:06:54.000 –> 01:06:58.000

And that’s 2 to 3 h answering all your questions. Um.


01:06:58.000 –> 01:06:59.000



01:06:59.000 –> 01:07:00.000

Ask me difficult questions, only difficult questions.


01:07:00.000 –> 01:07:07.000

Yeah, ask the difficult questions. There. Um, tonight is tonight, and yesterday’s very small snippet of um of what we do.


01:07:07.000 –> 01:07:08.000



01:07:08.000 –> 01:07:29.000

And a couple people asking as well, Kelly, where they can find you. Um, because I know that we do. Sometimes tag people.


01:07:29.000 –> 01:07:30.000



01:07:30.000 –> 01:07:31.000

Um that do our takeovers for us, but just to clarify. So we won’t be tagging Kelly. But if you want to send her a question definitely like Reach out, and Kelly will make some more reels for us. Is that right, Kelly?


01:07:31.000 –> 01:07:33.000

Yeah, the the yes, I think so.


01:07:33.000 –> 01:07:34.000



01:07:34.000 –> 01:07:35.000



01:07:35.000 –> 01:07:36.000



01:07:36.000 –> 01:07:59.000

Get my mind around a lot more social media. I also I just saw in that. I’m sorry, and I know we’ve gone over. But I just saw in the some of the questions or the comments about um people with autism or neurodevergence and um touch and texture and sensory stuff. If you want to send more specific um questions I’m happy to answer. I am not.


01:07:59.000 –> 01:08:09.000

Or testing. I may have Adhd, who knows but um! My uh! Both my kids are divorced, and I uh am very.


01:08:09.000 –> 01:08:11.000

Well versed. I’m cool.


01:08:11.000 –> 01:08:15.000

Um, and happy to answer any questions about that cause. I’ve done a lot of.


01:08:15.000 –> 01:08:16.000



01:08:16.000 –> 01:08:21.000

Work with therapists and things like that about sensory processing and.


01:08:21.000 –> 01:08:26.000

Autistic traits and things like that, so happy to answer those questions if you want to shoot them through. But.


01:08:26.000 –> 01:08:30.000

Yeah, um, I could understand the sensory issues around compression.


01:08:30.000 –> 01:08:31.000



01:08:31.000 –> 01:08:33.000



01:08:33.000 –> 01:08:38.000

And Kelly, that’s a really good point, because even in the theater environment.


01:08:38.000 –> 01:08:41.000

And post surgery and compression.


01:08:41.000 –> 01:08:44.000

And the recovery we learn from our patients.


01:08:44.000 –> 01:08:45.000



01:08:45.000 –> 01:08:48.000

And uh, and you know, we’ve had a patient recently.


01:08:48.000 –> 01:08:52.000

Who really made us aware of that space. We.


01:08:52.000 –> 01:08:54.000

Still as a team, but.


01:08:54.000 –> 01:08:57.000

Um mindful about each patient’s individuality, but.


01:08:57.000 –> 01:09:02.000

Gave us an opportunity to really start diving deep.


01:09:02.000 –> 01:09:10.000

And to see how those patients particularly need a very.


01:09:10.000 –> 01:09:11.000



01:09:11.000 –> 01:09:13.000

Very particular approach, even post surgery, immediately, post surgery.


01:09:13.000 –> 01:09:14.000

Thanks for that.


01:09:14.000 –> 01:09:16.000

Yeah, no worries. I said, like I um.


01:09:16.000 –> 01:09:17.000



01:09:17.000 –> 01:09:18.000

I can. Ah!


01:09:18.000 –> 01:09:26.000

I can’t tell you from experience, but from land knowledge having to live with it now, I happy to help.


01:09:26.000 –> 01:09:30.000

Thank you, Kelly. So just to reiterate to everyone, um.


01:09:30.000 –> 01:09:37.000

If you do, if you haven’t got your question answered, or if you have a question for Kelly, shoot it through on our walk with freedom.


01:09:37.000 –> 01:09:42.000

Social media, Facebook, Instagram, and just say, Hey, I’ve got a question for Kelly.


01:09:42.000 –> 01:09:44.000

And Kelly’s.


01:09:44.000 –> 01:09:51.000

Get really generously agreed to build some more reels for us, and we’ll add that to the highlights.


01:09:51.000 –> 01:09:54.000

Um. And just so everyone knows as well with.


01:09:54.000 –> 01:10:03.000

Very, very transparent. Um on socials, both myself and now, Lauren, work very hard on Facebook and Instagram, replying to all your messages.


01:10:03.000 –> 01:10:15.000

If we can’t anti- then Dr. Chris leakage will answer you cause I know that sometimes people want to clarify something before joining the zoom, or before going onto a consult.


01:10:15.000 –> 01:10:18.000

Um. So our team is very transparent and basically available.


01:10:18.000 –> 01:10:25.000

All the time. Really shoot your questions through, and we will do our very best to answer them. There’s nothing that we can’t.


01:10:25.000 –> 01:10:26.000

Answer for you.


01:10:26.000 –> 01:10:29.000

Yeah, your team are wonderful. And if I could.


01:10:29.000 –> 01:10:31.000

Say that again. Um.


01:10:31.000 –> 01:10:35.000

You know, behind Emily, I can see you’re at work.


01:10:35.000 –> 01:10:42.000

And I can see the chairs of the team that are. There’s just so much commitment, you know. I’ve never.


01:10:42.000 –> 01:10:46.000

Had the privilege to work so much in a space where.


01:10:46.000 –> 01:10:48.000

All staff members are committed.


01:10:48.000 –> 01:10:53.000

Um, you know there’s tears in the eyes of stories we hear.


01:10:53.000 –> 01:10:56.000

Hardship and and and disability.


01:10:56.000 –> 01:10:59.000

And you know, we just wanna do more and more.


01:10:59.000 –> 01:11:05.000

But, um, we’re we’re very fortunate to have the honor of being able to look after our patients.


01:11:05.000 –> 01:11:08.000

And have them. Trust us with the care, and I’m.


01:11:08.000 –> 01:11:11.000

Personally, very very grateful.


01:11:11.000 –> 01:11:14.000

By having an amazing team in you all.


01:11:14.000 –> 01:11:18.000

Uh doing the wonderful work. And, Kelly, you’re a superstar. That’s the only way I.


01:11:18.000 –> 01:11:19.000



01:11:19.000 –> 01:11:21.000

Can describe you.


01:11:21.000 –> 01:11:24.000

And then very passionate about your cause.


01:11:24.000 –> 01:11:31.000

And uh, and and you just like the place up when you come in. And uh.


01:11:31.000 –> 01:11:32.000



01:11:32.000 –> 01:11:33.000

And we are, gonna miss, you cause that ain’t gonna happen.


01:11:33.000 –> 01:11:35.000

But at least the Miami Private Hospital.


01:11:35.000 –> 01:11:41.000

Um. But obviously we’ll be very much in touch with you, and and monitoring your progress.


01:11:41.000 –> 01:11:42.000



01:11:42.000 –> 01:11:47.000

And I’m just gonna hide. If any of the girls from last night are out there.


01:11:47.000 –> 01:11:49.000

Hope you’re doing okay?


01:11:49.000 –> 01:11:52.000



01:11:52.000 –> 01:11:53.000



01:11:53.000 –> 01:11:55.000

Finished. Then, on a last question.


01:11:55.000 –> 01:11:56.000



01:11:56.000 –> 01:11:58.000

Which is.


01:11:58.000 –> 01:12:01.000

I’ll do it like a two-part question. But.


01:12:01.000 –> 01:12:04.000

One? Do your legs feel lighter.


01:12:04.000 –> 01:12:08.000

And to how was recovery?


01:12:08.000 –> 01:12:10.000

Between each surgery.


01:12:10.000 –> 01:12:11.000



01:12:11.000 –> 01:12:17.000

Uh! Do my legs feel lighter? Yes, um, I think I address uh again addressed it in one of the reels.


01:12:17.000 –> 01:12:18.000



01:12:18.000 –> 01:12:19.000



01:12:19.000 –> 01:12:21.000

It’s um.


01:12:21.000 –> 01:12:29.000

It wasn’t for me. It wasn’t an instant thing cause uh of the swelling, and the pain like that comes along with the surgeries.


01:12:29.000 –> 01:12:37.000

Uh, but yeah, it just in. One day I went to walk up a set of stairs, and normally I would.


01:12:37.000 –> 01:12:45.000

Wait for other people to come down or all go up, so I wasn’t holding anyone up, but I just walked up the stairs, and it.


01:12:45.000 –> 01:12:48.000

Wasn’t a chore, and I just walked up the stairs.


01:12:48.000 –> 01:12:54.000

Um. And then the other time that I really noticed it again, was walking in sand.


01:12:54.000 –> 01:12:56.000

Like I used to hate so I.


01:12:56.000 –> 01:13:03.000

Still not my favourite thing going to the beach, but uh having to lug all of the things that you have to lug when you’re a kid.


01:13:03.000 –> 01:13:05.000

Uh, when you have kids.


01:13:05.000 –> 01:13:07.000



01:13:07.000 –> 01:13:12.000

And then through the soft sand, everything. And one day I just noticed that it wasn’t as hard. So yes, my legs.


01:13:12.000 –> 01:13:15.000

Do feel lighter.


01:13:15.000 –> 01:13:18.000

And everyone in my family and friends say that I have a different.


01:13:18.000 –> 01:13:23.000

Guys, I I walk differently. I hold myself differently. Um, cause. I guess I’m not.


01:13:23.000 –> 01:13:26.000

Lifting as much with each step.


01:13:26.000 –> 01:13:33.000

Um, and I forget what part 2 was sorry.


01:13:33.000 –> 01:13:34.000

Thank you, Kelly.


01:13:34.000 –> 01:13:35.000



01:13:35.000 –> 01:13:41.000

You started to touch on it, but.


01:13:41.000 –> 01:13:42.000



01:13:42.000 –> 01:13:43.000

How was the recovery for you? So, having had 5 surgeries, how was the recovery between.


01:13:43.000 –> 01:13:45.000

Every surgery is different.


01:13:45.000 –> 01:13:49.000

Every surgery is different. I can’t.


01:13:49.000 –> 01:13:53.000

There’s no how is the recovery? My 1st surgery.


01:13:53.000 –> 01:13:56.000

Was brutal. I thought I was going to die.


01:13:56.000 –> 01:14:06.000

I thought, what the hell have I done to myself? How can I have done this? Why did I make this choice? Oh, my God, I’m gonna die! I’m never gonna get better. Blah blah blah! And I did.


01:14:06.000 –> 01:14:10.000

And I’m fine. And then the next surgery.


01:14:10.000 –> 01:14:24.000

Wasn’t so bad. It wasn’t as bad as that, so I think every time I’ve gone into a surgery I’ve gone in with that feeling that I had from the 1st surgery, knowing that nothing could be as bad as that one, and they are brutal and.


01:14:24.000 –> 01:14:36.000

They can be really hard, and I am not one of those amazing women who are probably out there who can get by on the 2 pana doll and a drink of water, and up they go for their, you know.


01:14:36.000 –> 01:14:48.000

Little walk every hour I am. Uh I give me all the drug. I’ll take them all. Um! I don’t want to feel anything kind of chick.


01:14:48.000 –> 01:14:50.000

So um.


01:14:50.000 –> 01:14:53.000

  1. Recovery has been very different.


01:14:53.000 –> 01:14:59.000

Some have been much longer than others, and some have been quite short, and then, surprisingly.


01:14:59.000 –> 01:15:01.000



01:15:01.000 –> 01:15:05.000

The 1st surgery. I was in a lot of pain for a really long time, but my 3rd surgery.


01:15:05.000 –> 01:15:11.000

I went to the cinema 4 days after I had surgery I was walking around Pacific Fair, and I went to the movies.


01:15:11.000 –> 01:15:15.000

And we one after one surgery. 3 days after I went.


01:15:15.000 –> 01:15:19.000

To that Horse Show nearby world. Kind of thing. So.


01:15:19.000 –> 01:15:21.000

Every surgery and every recovery is.


01:15:21.000 –> 01:15:26.000



01:15:26.000 –> 01:15:31.000

Yeah, just like every story, and every journey is different.


01:15:31.000 –> 01:15:32.000



01:15:32.000 –> 01:15:33.000

Yeah. Um. Kelly, someone has said.


01:15:33.000 –> 01:15:47.000

I have my 1st surgery in just under one week. And I wanna say a massive thank you for the day in the last videos. I’m just so much less anxious now, having seen the process. And what is coming. Good luck with your recovery.


01:15:47.000 –> 01:15:53.000

Uh, thank you. I’m so glad that um! That’s why I did it. That’s why I said, Let’s do it.


01:15:53.000 –> 01:15:57.000

Let’s show everyone cause. I think, that played into my anxiety.


01:15:57.000 –> 01:16:10.000

With the 1st couple, not knowing what I was walking into. Where did I go? What did I wear? Who did I put? Well, who does? What? Where does my phone go? Where does my bad go? Where my undies? Do I not wear my undies? What I get all that.


01:16:10.000 –> 01:16:11.000

So I hope that.


01:16:11.000 –> 01:16:13.000

Appeased. Some of.


01:16:13.000 –> 01:16:19.000

That anxiety. Of course you’re still going to feel sick about it. Of course you still gonna feel nervous about it. But maybe this takes just.


01:16:19.000 –> 01:16:21.000

A little layer off.


01:16:21.000 –> 01:16:22.000



01:16:22.000 –> 01:16:24.000



01:16:24.000 –> 01:16:34.000

And Kelly, you are just such a superstar, I just wanna say, like day one personal like on the zoom, answering the questions like, Oh, my gosh! Honestly.


01:16:34.000 –> 01:16:35.000



01:16:35.000 –> 01:16:36.000

Thank you so much.


01:16:36.000 –> 01:16:38.000

Yeah, it’s good.


01:16:38.000 –> 01:16:40.000

All good. Thank you for having me.


01:16:40.000 –> 01:16:43.000

And thanks for looking after me. Everyone.


01:16:43.000 –> 01:16:45.000

And um.


01:16:45.000 –> 01:16:48.000

Yeah. Everyone out there who’s watching and listening.


01:16:48.000 –> 01:16:52.000

Do you advocate for yourself whatever feels good for you?


01:16:52.000 –> 01:16:53.000

Do it for you.


01:16:53.000 –> 01:16:57.000

That’s it, and I know sometimes that’s the hardest thing to do.


01:16:57.000 –> 01:17:09.000



01:17:09.000 –> 01:17:10.000



01:17:10.000 –> 01:17:11.000

Okay. Well, I think we will finish there. Um, Kelly, thank you so much. Again. We wish you will obviously talk very soon, but you know we do wish you all the best with your recovery.


01:17:11.000 –> 01:17:21.000

Yeah, I’m gonna do um. I’ll see how you guys go. But I might post. I don’t know if anyone wants to see. I’ve got my Dvt. Check on Friday, so I might film that as well.


01:17:21.000 –> 01:17:25.000

So you can all see what happens. That’s the 1st time you take your compression.


01:17:25.000 –> 01:17:32.000

And I think that is Riley there. I know Riley might do it this week. She’s the sonographer who’s done all my other ones, and.


01:17:32.000 –> 01:17:38.000

They look for Ceromas and make sure there’s no Dbts. And then you get to see your stitches for the 1st time, and.


01:17:38.000 –> 01:17:44.000

See what it looks like under that um layer of like elastic.


01:17:44.000 –> 01:17:46.000

Yeah. All that fun stuff.


01:17:46.000 –> 01:17:47.000



01:17:47.000 –> 01:17:48.000



01:17:48.000 –> 01:17:50.000

It’s really gross sometimes, too, but it’s.


01:17:50.000 –> 01:17:51.000



01:17:51.000 –> 01:17:52.000

Yeah, full transparency. It is gross, but.


01:17:52.000 –> 01:17:55.000

It’s great!


01:17:55.000 –> 01:18:06.000

Okay? Well, yeah, thank you so much. Again, I’ve got a little slide there. If anyone would like to screenshot that for the walk with freedom socials. If you sign up to our emails.


01:18:06.000 –> 01:18:12.000

You’ll get a little email notification whenever we do things like this in the future.


01:18:12.000 –> 01:18:25.000

Um. And yeah, just thank you again, Kelly. Thank you. Chris. Luggage. Thank you. Ben Lauren. The whole team. Thank you to you for joining us tonight. Um, we wish you all the best, and yeah, we’ll see you very soon.


01:18:25.000 –> 01:18:26.000

Thank you.


01:18:26.000 –> 01:18:27.000

Thank you. Gay.


01:18:27.000 –> 01:18:28.000

Oh, my!


01:18:28.000 –> 01:18:40.000

Thanks. Everyone.