By the time you are ready for surgery, you can be assured that Dr Lekich has comprehensively consulted with you and surveyed your condition using ultrasound. Dr Lekich will have provided a holistic diagnosis of your leg condition and will have a clear understanding any other underlying issues or potential complications; such as lymphedema, varicose or diseased veins, and other causes of swollen legs.
Dr Lekich will also have comprehensively addressed any other health concerns you have that may impact the safety and success of your surgery.
Surgery may be an option for you, only when these conditions have been adequately assessed and managed to ensure maximized safety and effectiveness for your surgery.
If you and Dr Lekich decide together that surgery is a suitable option for you, and have completed proactive implementation of your Conservative Management Plan for a minimum of 6 weeks, Dr Lekich and our team will develop your surgical plan and fully explain the surgical protocol as well as risks, benefits and alternatives.